OMG Your Ironman just became a duathlon!

800 603 Patrick McCrann

A storm rolls in, and your swim is canceled. Now what?

It’s totally normal to freak out, but don’t let that stop you. Let’s get through this together, one adjustment at a time.

This switch to a duathlon is unexpected but not insurmountable—you’re already prepared for the bike and run.

Now it’s time to refine your strategy!

What Changes?

Losing the swim doesn’t mean the entire race plan falls apart. In fact, you’ve already done most of your long rides without a swim, so this is just another brick workout—except it’s catered. And, who doesn’t like a catered workout, right?

Here’s How You Pivot:

  • Get Extra Sleep: With no early morning swim, you can enjoy a little extra shut-eye! Use it to your advantage. Rest up and mentally prepare for the bike.
  • Recalibrate Breakfast: You won’t need the massive pre-race breakfast. Eat a lighter meal—think 600 to 750 calories instead of your typical 1000. We want you starting the bike feeling lean and ready to fuel on the go.
  • Up the Caffeine: If you’re a caffeine person, consider adding a little more to help jumpstart your energy, mimicking the post-swim “buzz” you usually feel.
  • Plan a Warm-up Walk: Without the swim warm-up, your body won’t be as loose as normal. Take a brisk 30-minute walk after breakfast to get the blood flowing before you hit the bike.
  • Adjust Bike Execution: Typically, your first hour on the bike is all about settling in and fueling. But since you’re skipping the swim, use that first hour to warm up a bit more gradually while still focusing on hydration and nutrition.

The Final Word

Race day may look different, but champions pivot.

You’ve trained for this, and with these adjustments, you’ll be ready to crush it—storm or no storm!

ps, check out our YouTube video to get the technicolor explanation!

pps, next time take our free Race Execution course: