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Patrick McCrann

Beginner Ironman 2.1 — Lifestyle Tips

800 527 Patrick McCrann

This article is part of a new beginner’s series. Click here to find more articles from this series. Welcome to the next section of the Beginner Ironman article series. In this section I am going to walk you through some basic lifestyle guidance. My goal here is to help you make the most of your training through…

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2016 Texas Race Camp Day Three Recap

800 600 Patrick McCrann

Our third and final day of camp is all about the run…and an early one at that. I find that the later you start run day, the more likely you are to eat or do something else that’s going to muck up your day — plus some folks have to hit the road. So early…

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Texas Swim Camp

2016 Texas Race Camp Day One Recap

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Nothing says training camp in the Woodlands Texas like waking up in the dark in the heat. That’s right, one of the things that surprises participants most about this race is how dark it is even right up until 7 o’clock. Which is why I was not surprised to find, at my 6 AM wake-up…

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Coach Patrick February 2016 Training Update

800 480 Patrick McCrann

Hard to believe it’s already March 1st and time for another returning update. I know that February is a short month but really, this is ridiculous. So when I last left you in February I was transitioning to the OutSeason® with some intensity. The goals was to bring my higher-end fitness up from the aerobic run…

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EN Calculator

Hot off the Press! Powered By Endurance Nation

160 159 Patrick McCrann

Where local meets global Introducing the Powered by Endurance Nation Program Endurance Nation rolls out their Powered by EN program for local triathlon clubs. This program will allow triathlon clubs of all sizes to use the already proven resources of the 3x Ironman® Tri Club Global Champions and Official Coaching Program of Revolution3 Triathlon. As a Powered…

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An Ironman’s® Journey to become an UltraRunner

Patrick McCrann

   Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim (aka: R2R2R) ** Editors Note** While this is a lengthy Race Report – It is completely worth the read! Step inside the mind and journey of Endurance Nation athlete, John Withrow as he tackles yet another amazing adventure.    Like a lot of things in my life, my”40 for 40″ started as a…

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Coach P’s January 2016 Training Update

Patrick McCrann

Coach P at the January Volume Camp Believe it or not, but it’s time for another training update! January was a solid one for me. I don’t really have trouble getting motivated so there were no specific resolutions or occasions that made me dive any deeper into my training. I was coming off of a…

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EN “Teacher Workdays”

Patrick McCrann

Endurance Nation “Teacher Workdays” While you may understand that a lot of hard work goes into being a triathlon coach, it is just as hard to keep a triathlon coaching business moving forward. In addition to the weekly team meetings we have inside Endurance Nation, we recently added what our Marketing Director, Mariah, affectionaly calls…

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2016 Texas Race Specific Camp

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from EnduranceNation for our fifth annual Texas Camp in preparation for the Ironman® Texas / U.S. National Championships on May 14, 2016. The camp runs from March 17th to the 20th, and will be based out of The Woodlands, TX so we can train on the bike and run courses. Aside from…

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