Posts By :

Patrick McCrann

Ironman Hawaii 2016: Race Week Recap

800 566 Patrick McCrann

Today’s Friday, and that means the 2016 Ironman® World Championships is tomorrow!  It has been a super busy week, navigating final race prep and exploring all parts of the course. It’s been a blast…every trip to Hawaii is special with the Team, and 2016 was no exception. Many laughs, lots of good training and even…

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Coach P Gets a Velofix

800 600 Patrick McCrann

The most important thing triathletes never do is take care of their bike. While riding a bike is simple, maintaining it is not. And while we all hate spending money to replace or rebuild parts the solution is a simple one: paying attention to and taking care of your ride. So why don’t we all…

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Coaching in Kona

2016 Kona Race Week Camp: Welcome Weekend Recap

800 534 Patrick McCrann

                                     We Survived the Trip to Hawi! Once you land on the Big Island have many different things to accomplish. Your first order of business is getting settled. When you leave the airport you will see many cyclists…

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EN Podcast

Meet the Team: Derrek Sanks

180 125 Patrick McCrann

  Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another member interview podcast. Derrek Sanks from VA is our guest this week. Derrek shares his journey from his first marathon in Okinawa 2005 to his third Ironman in Chattanooga this September. Derrek talks about his lifestyle as retired military, as well as his smart progression…

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EN Podcast

2017 OutSeason® Overview & Launch

180 125 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P breaks down the elements of the 2017 OutSeason® training plans — what’s changed, why, and what it means for you. If you are pumped to have a great 2017 season, don’t miss this podcast! Problems & Benefits What is the OS?…

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EN Podcast

Preparing for the OutSeason®

180 125 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for a podcast on preparing for the OutSeason®.  The OutSeason® is Endurance Nation’s renown winter training protocol that has helped more than 5,000 triathletes build critical fitness and early season strength. In this episode, Coach Patrick outlines other elements that will help make your next season even better than this one!…

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Hi Five Time at the Boston Marathon

Fall Marathon Planning & Strategies for Triathletes

738 800 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for tips on how to make most of your Fall marathon obsession. We can’t stop you, we can only hope to contain you. In this episode, we’ve outlined how to plan and train for a Fall Marathon in a way that complements your bigger picture goals. Subscribe Here:…

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Make Up Your Mind

The Best Way to Add a Fall Marathon (Type A Triathlete Edition)

800 406 Patrick McCrann

At the end of every year the average triathlete faces a unique question: should I run a Fall marathon? Unfortunately most triathletes don’t appreciate the full cost of what doing a Fall marathon means. A marathon seems inconsequential as compared to their prior training. And the reward seems high – their friends will like them…

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Gimme Back My Sponges!

Adjusting Your Race Plan For The Heat

798 800 Patrick McCrann

Is it me or does every race seem to be hot these days? Without a doubt, racing in the heat is one of the biggest challenges that endurance athletes face. Staying warm on a cold day isn’t easy, but staying cool under effort is almost impossible. Here is guidance for adjusting your race plan on a…

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The Better Brick Workout

The Better Brick Workout

800 798 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P walks through the logic of running before your bike ride vs after. Traditional brick workouts focus on learning to run with “heavy legs” but most runners don’t actually suffer decreased performance from this situation. A bigger area for improvement is to…

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