Voice of the Nation

Age Group Triathlon Training & Team Updates from Across the Globe!


Five Reasons Why The Off Season Is Your Best Chance To Gain New Speed

150 150 Coach P

Even though most endurance athletes have one big race each season, that doesn’t preclude them from doing many other events. After all, if you can…

Louisville 2012: Mark Thompson Races His First Like A Veteran

Coach P

This was my first Ironman® distance race, which was a monumental decision to sign up (enlist?) by itself. What’s more, however, are the giants who…

Insider Secrets of Ironman Race Day Damage Control

150 150 Coach P

Hopefully There When You Need Them, But Be Ready If They Aren’t! After standing on the sidelines of Lake Placid and Louisville this year, I…

Meet The Team: 2012 Wisconsin

150 150 Coach P

Ironman® Wisconsin is one of the premier events for TeamEN.  And this year is no different.  We have 30 folks ready to make it happen…

Four Tips for Achieving Longevity in Long Course Triathlon

150 150 Rich Strauss

In my last post I discussed the Life Cycle of the Age Group Ironman® Triathlete. Next, I’d like to share with you now some tips…

Ironman NYC Race Report: Joel Bell, 9:38, 5th AG, Kona!

150 150 Rich Strauss

Joel Bell at Ironman® New York City   This was my 3rd IM – Florida 2007 (9:34), IMCdA 2009 (10:05), IMNYC 2012 (9:38).  In Florida…

Mont Tremblant Race Report: Tim Cronk, 10:33

150 150 Rich Strauss

Tim Cronk at Ironman® Mont Treblant Background-  2nd full year EN training , 4th IM , 50yrs old in new AG , FTP 230 (not…

Top Ten Dumb Things You (Probably) Do Before Every Ironman That You Should Avoid

150 150 Coach P

Not Where You Want To End Up on Race Day   As a veteran Ironman® athlete and traveler, I have been to more than 100…