Voice of the Nation

Age Group Triathlon Training & Team Updates from Across the Globe!


Meet The Team: 2012 Ironman Mooseman

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TeamEN members are on their way to rock the Mooseman course this weekend!  Considered the most scenic 70.3® event in New England, the swim utilizes…

Race Report Update – May 30, 2012

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Hope everyone had a good Memorial Day weekend. Race reports since our last early May update are below. 23 races and a 70% PR rate! …

From Sub-10 to Sub-9:30 In One Ironman

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I recently won the men’s 35-39 age group, placing 28th overall, at Texas with finishing time of 9:27. This was a 25-minute personal best and…

Blue Ridge Parkway Day Four Overview

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  The fourth and final day of the 2012 BRP camp wasn’t that different than days one, two or three. This was due largely in…

Blue Ridge Parkway Camp: Day Three Overview

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  After returning from Front Royal yesterday, today’s course is plotted along the Blue Ridge Parkway. “Only” 85 miles, this route has roughly the same…

Blue Ridge Parkway Day Two Overview

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 Blue Ridge Parkway Camp: Day Two Start   Today was the redux of yesterday’s 104-mile journey: Front Royal to RockFish Gap. Totals today included over…

TeamEN vs Texas 2012

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  Texas 2012 turned out to be a solid day, despite multiple race week events. From moving finishlines (WTC) to daily temperature updates for the…

Blue Ridge Parkway Day One Overview

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An Ominous Start to Day One! Today we rode from RockFish Gap to Front Royal, a 104 mile trip. We had seven riders start the…

EN Partner: 3/GO Triathlon – Get 25% Off For Endurance Nation Fans!

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Endurance Nation and 3/GO Magazine are proud to announce their new partnership and offer EN Fans a killer 25% discount off the print or digital…

Meet The Team: 2012 Texas

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Sure’nuff, it’s that time of year down in the ol’ town.   This event isn’t the first rodeo for many of our EN brethren, and sure…