Voice of the Nation

Age Group Triathlon Training & Team Updates from Across the Globe!


Evolution of Running within Endurance Nation, Part II

150 150 Coach P

Part 2 of another Endurance Nation case study in community-driven continuous improvement. You can read Part 1 here. Out Season, 2008 Rich and Patrick lock…

Evolution of Running within Endurance Nation, Part I

150 150 Coach P

Another Endurance Nation case study in community-driven continuous improvement As we prepare to close the doors to new members on May 1, we thought it…

Off-Season Swimming Thoughts

150 150 Coach P

For years we’ve been advising our athletes to swim less, or not all, during the off-season. We are not “anti-swimming.” Rather we want you to…

Heart Rate Training Redefined, Part II: Get Out of the Weightroom!

150 150 Coach P

In Part I we introduced you to the principle that performance fitness is in the muscles, not in the cardiovascular system. Now we would like…

Five Keys of Triathlon Coaching, Part II: Lactate Threshold

150 150 Coach P

In Part I we introduced you to our Five Keys of Triathlon Coaching and discussed one through four. To review, the Five Keys of Triathlon…

NEW Short Course Triathlon Training Plans, on Sale thru March 31st

150 150 Coach P

Endurance Nation is 4 years old, growing from 80 athletes in 2007 to over 600 athletes today. We primarily focus on the long course distances of Half and Full Ironman events. Over half of our athletes have been with us for 3+ years, and we’ve seen their endurance racing goals evolve as their interests have changed. More and more of our squad have chosen to focus on short course triathlons this year.

Short Course Triathlon Race Pacing

150 150 Rich Strauss

Let’s talk about how to pace a short course triathlon (Sprint or Olympic distance). But first we’ll need to establish a common “training zone” language so we’re all on the same page.

Another Reason Against Year-Round Swimming (Plus A Challenge!)

150 150 Rich Strauss

It’s pretty well-known by now that Endurance Nation recommends that you don’t swim during out OutSeason® training cycle. That means for a grand total of five months, our athletes aren’t swimming a single stroke. This approach has generated a lot of buzz, mostly negative, that how we train is in someway incomplete. After all, what’s a triathlon training plan without swimming in it? The Long Answer: It’s an incredibly focused approach to building the required bike and run fitness that will carry you through a personal best on race day. The Short Answer: Re-Learning how to swim is better than constantly swimming and making tweaks.

Endurance Nation Five Keys of Triathlon Coaching, Part I

150 150 Coach P

We’d like to share with you our distilled summary of what triathlon coaching is all about, learned from our nearly 20 years of triathlon coaching,…