Voice of the Nation

Age Group Triathlon Training & Team Updates from Across the Globe!


Meet the Team: Arizona

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This weekend TeamEN will be represented by 16 athletes at Ironman® Arizona. Coach Rich be on hand to lead the athletes and their families, including…

Florida 2010: Endurance Nation ReCap

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The following is a quick recap from IM Florida 2010 by Coach Patrick. This will become a full report later this week, as we add podcast interviews and more photos. For now you can see our pictures online via SmugMug and learn more about the weekend by cruising the official EN vs Ironman Florida site. If you like the vibe and want to explore Team EN, please become an ENFan, get a FREE Four Keys DVD and a link to create a free Five Day Trial and save $30/month on EN membership!!

State of the Nation, Part II: Stakeholder's Meeting and 2011 Initiatives

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The coaches have returned from Ironman® Florida, with Rich joining Patrick to support the team and to brainstorm their plans for the 2011 season. We’d…

Triathlon Training Plan Trade-In Program

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Endurance Nation will you pay you 100% of the purchase price of any competing triathlon training plan–CASH–to dump that plan and trade up to an Endurance Nation OutSeason® Training Plan. We know our plans work and are the best anywhere…now you have zero excuse to not try one out!

Meet the Team: EN vs Florida 2010

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This year we have a handful of Team EN athletes competing at Ironman Florida. They are an awesome bunch, some new and some veterans, all coming to put their mental and physical mettle to the test in the classic one-day event. The 2010 edition sees the bike course changed due to some new roads, but guaranteed there will be suffering and spectacle on the big day. Learn more about the Team and the unique individuals who make up our IMFL crew below. You can also track them online on race day using our Team Tracking Sheet (coming soon to the EN homepage).

48 Hours To Go: On Book Launches and Bonuses

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Less than 48 Hours to Go to the official one-day launch of Train to Live, Live to Train: An Insider’s Guide to Building the Ultimate Fitness Lifestyle.

It almost feels like I am getting ready for a big race! The workload has ended, I am making final tweaks and last-minute preparations to make sure that everything goes smoothly. It’s a bit nerve-wracking, but then again these are the final minutes when I personally am really viscerally connected to what’s happening.

State of the Nation, Fall 2010: Part I

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September traditionally marks the end of the season for Endurance Nation, as we use Ironman® Wisconsin as a opportunity to reflect on the year, extract…

Meet the Team: EN vs Hawaii 2010

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This year we have a handful of Team EN athletes competing at the Ironman World Championships on the Big Island of Hawaii. They are an awesome bunch, having earned their stripes through a full year of training and final preparation for the big day. There’s nothing like racing alongside the world’s best…a supreme challenge but as you’ll see this group is ready for it! Learn more about the Team and the unique individuals who make up our Kona crew below.

The OutSeason® and Season Planning Case Studies

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Since bringing on board our latest crew of 100+ members and now with the launch of our OutSeason® training plan sales, we’ve been fielding a LOT of season planning questions and discussions. Here are four case studies to help you manage your triathlon season the EN way.

EN OutSeason vs Old Skool Offseason

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It’s Fall and time for another annual rewrite of our OutSeason® training plans. It’s also the season of the recycled, paraphrased training advice that appears…