Voice of the Nation

Age Group Triathlon Training & Team Updates from Across the Globe!


Louisville 2010: Quick Recap

150 150 Coach P

Ironman Louisville 2010 was going to be hot. We all knew it heading into the morning, and my first step outside my condo confirmed it — Sunday was going to be a true test of execution, nutrition, and mental skills. By mid-morning the sun was in full effect and it was bearing down on the racers. Combined with the humidity, it was an evil 1-2 punch that didn’t go away until some clouds rolled in around 6pm. Riding had a slight cooling effect; but it wasn’t helpful as most folks didn’t realize just how hot it had become started running!

IRONMAN® Wisconsin: the Complete Race Breakdown, by Endurance Nation

150 150 Rich Strauss

Endurance Nation has a long history on the Ironman® Wisconsin course: Coach Rich raced the event in ’02, ’04, and ’11, with a PR of 10:05,…

TeamEN on Twitter This Week

150 150 Coach P

Here is another weekly installment of updates from our Team members who use Twitter. If you’d like to be considered, be sure to write really cool or witty stuff and include the hashtag “#workworks” into your tweets! Go Nation, Go!

ENFans: Join the Coaches for Four Keys, Training and Beers in Madison!

150 150 Rich Strauss

ENFans, Rich and Patrick will be in Madison to support the nearly 40 TeamEN athletes, and their families, racing on Sunday. We invite you to…

ENFans: Join Coach P for Four Keys, Training and Beers in Louisville!

150 150 Coach P

ENFans, Coach Patrick will be in Louisville to support all 18 TeamEN athletes, and their families. We invite you to join us for several fun…

Team EN vs Louisville 2010: Meet The Athletes

150 150 Coach P

On August 29th, almost 20 TeamEN athletes will put months of hard work to the test at Ironman Louisville. It will be hot, it will be difficult and they will be challenged. But these folks are ready. Let’s take a minute to get to know the people behind the names and bib numbers…it’s a great bunch that we can’t wait to support on race day!

Stacking EN Training Plans Across Your Season

150 150 Rich Strauss

[box]Please Note: This guidance is for our 2012 or EARLIER OutSeason® Training Plans. The 2013 OutSeason® plans are 14-weeks long and do not follow this…

Team EN: The Week in Twitter (8/9)

150 150 Coach P

Every week TeamEN members and ENFans connect online via Twitter by including the hashtag #workworks to highlight their tweets. Feel free to join in and stay up to date or just review the highlights below!

Google Calendar

The Off Season and the Self-Coached Athlete, Part II: The Time Investment Manager

800 600 Rich Strauss

by Rich Strauss, Endurance Nation In Part I we discussed your role as The Coach. As a typical triathlete, this is the role you’re likely…

Louisville Complete Race Breakdown

150 150 Coach P

With Louisville just around corner, athletes competing in the event are eager to learn more about the course and how to approach race day given…