Voice of the Nation

Age Group Triathlon Training & Team Updates from Across the Globe!


Value in Easy Workouts?

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Doing less, or nothing at all, is most often the RIGHT thing to do. Question: If the prescribed intensity of a workout is just not…

Power Clinic Questions

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I recently did a presentation about Training and Racing Power at the TriFitLab run by TTBikeFit.com It was a good presentation (I’ve done better), but what always interests me is not what I do or whom I’m speaking with but the questions that come from the audience. Instead of leaving those answers information at the clinic with the 35 folks who attended, I want to post answers here in a space where everyone can learn from them.

Coach Rich St. George Scouting Report

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I spent this past weekend on the St. George course, training and recon-ing the event with some TeamEN athletes. Well worth the long drive from…

2010 Lake Placid Sweepstakes: Win A Race Kit or Free Training Plan

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Endurance Nation wants to give you FREE stuff, including a Platinum-Level training plan ($269 value!) during our IMUSA training plan sale this week, March 2nd through 7th, 2010.

Lake Placid Racing Tip Sheet & Plan Sale

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Bike Smart…Run Happy! Attention Lake Placid Athletes — You have T-minus 21 weeks until race day! But don’t panic, Endurance Nation is here to help!…

Meet Team Endurance Nation — Olivia Syptak

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Coach Patrick talks to Olivia, another EN newbie, about her return to Ironman in 2010, the tough OutSeason® and much more. Olivia is just good people, ’nuff said. Check it out!

Cycling 2.0 — Training & Racing with Power (Meet Up)

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Where: TriFitLab, 337 Water Street, Warren, RI 02885 (view map); Phone: 401-289-2850 When: Monday March 1st, 2010 at 7pm RSVP: [email protected] or via Facebook Join…

Your Fitness Is Like Water

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Coach Patrick outlines why having a plan is only a small part of being a self-coached triathlete…it’s how you manage your body’s response to the…

Meet Team Endurance Nation — Pam Kassner

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Meet The Team: Pam Kassner Coach Patrick talks to Pam about her plan for IM Wisconsin, her cycling hubby, how Ironman® inspired her to start…

Team Update: 2010 February Prez Weekend Bike Challenge

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Every year Team Endurance Nation holds a February bike challenge to liven things up a bit. Anyone on the Team can play, and point are awarded on an intensity basis such that even indoor riders can be “competitive” with their west coast / warm weather teammates.