Voice of the Nation

Age Group Triathlon Training & Team Updates from Across the Globe!


Fall Racing Fever

Fun Fall Racing

800 800 pmacexn

Embrace the Variety of Training Opportunities While They Exist The fall season is a great time to get outside and enjoy the cooler temperatures after…

The Durability Strength Flexibility Foundation

800 800 Patrick McCrann

This is the insurance and laying the foundation in habits for the rest of the season – more and more important in masters athletes 40s, 50s, 60s.

Winter Zwift Challenge Ride Series

800 571 Patrick McCrann

Four rides, one a month. November thru February.

The goal is to have you add volume to your OutSeason experience in a deliberate manner.  This is not a race series. It is more about suffering with others on the turbo as some find it difficult to do the long stuff on their own. 

The Nutrition process inside Endurance Nation

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Nutrition is often the 3rd rail of sports. Emotional. Charged. Controversial. It is as necessary as it is complicated. There are apps, programs, and professionals.…

Mastering Your Breathing for Better Interval training

800 798 Patrick McCrann

Interval training is a great way to get in shape, but it can be tough on your lungs. If you’re not used to working out at a high intensity, your body can quickly run out of oxygen and start to feel fatigued. Here are a few approaches to deliberate breathing that can help you during your hardest aerobic training sessions! 

Nutrition is often the 3rd rail of sports. Emotional. Charged. Controversial.

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Nutrition is often the 3rd rail of sports. Emotional. Charged. Controversial.

Path in the Forest

October is in Full Effect 

800 348 Patrick McCrann

October is upon us, and with it comes the time to start thinking about transitioning from the warm summer months into the cooler autumn season. For many athletes, this transition can be a difficult one.

Signal vs Noise_ Elimination Makes for Better Endurance

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Training is more than workouts, it’s a lifestyle. We are connecting days together to create an outcome, an experience.

Go Hard. Go Home. Rest Big.

800 800 Patrick McCrann

We call it Anti-Vanilla

Top Five Endurance Travel Logistics Tips

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Getting to your race in one piece is no small feat.