Voice of the Nation

Age Group Triathlon Training & Team Updates from Across the Globe!


Six Lifestyle Tips to Save Triathlon Training Time

Coach P

Many of us are parents, we are professionals, we are active in our communities, and we support our kids as they do athletics as well as all the activities they do. By the end of the day it is easy to see how the vast majority of your time is simply not “yours.” Yet we all know that getting better isn’t just limited to physical gifts or disposable cash — it’s really about finding a way to be successful given the constraints of our lives.

Five Things Every Triathlete Should Ask When Hiring A Coach

Coach P

Most athletes are looking for a Coach because they’re seeking improvement in either their training (such as a particular discipline) or in their overall performance. But the reality is that it’s not easy to discern how someone else will help you achieve your goals without clearly defining the concept of success.

Top 5 Articles of 2015

800 61 Coach P

  As 2015 is in our rear view mirror and 2016 is full of exciting promises, it is only natural to reflect. It has been…

Improving Body Composition in the OutSeason and Beyond

500 430 Rich Strauss

The significant directive of our reworking of the OutSeason training plan to create the OutSeason/Run Durability training plan was to bring the best practices of…

4 New Year’s Resolutions You Should Make to Improve Your Racing

Coach P

As triathletes, we are constantly juggling multiple priorities: work, life, training, nutrition, recovery, etc. You really can’t wear a shirt that says, “Eat. Sleep. Train. Repeat.” because that shirt in no way represents everything that you do. If it were only that simple.

Getting Started (Again) — Six Ways To Make Sure This Time Your Training Sticks

150 150 Coach P

The hardest part about training is simply making it stick. By making it “stick,” I mean actually staying consistent. Looking at the most successful athletes in endurance sports, you will see a history of quality consistent training.

Who Is Racing What?

Coach P

  One of the best things about Endurance Nation is being able to virtually train with hundreds of people all over the world. Then on…

Triathlete Holiday Wish List [Sponsor Edition]

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Want to get the amazing sponsorship discounts listed below and over twenty others? Join Endurance Nation for your triathlon coaching and Become a Team Member!…

Race Weekend Spotlight: End of Season Races

Coach P

  Endurance Nation racing season has come to an end and we are thrilled with everyones performances. Congratulations to the team on a fantastic year…

Case Study: Mark Lane M55-59

Coach P

This post is part of our regular Case Study series, where we highlight some of the great people that are a part of Team Endurance Nation. Our…