Voice of the Nation

Age Group Triathlon Training & Team Updates from Across the Globe!


Case Study: Edwin Croucher M50-54

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  This post is part of our regular Case Study series, where we highlight some of the great people that are a part of Team…

Thomas Jones: A Case Study

Coach P

  This post is part of our regular Case Study series, where we highlight some of the great people that are a part of Team Endurance Nation.…

Training Plan Sale: Save 20% on NEW 2016 OutSeason Training Plans

150 150 Rich Strauss

Since 2005, OutSeason training has been at the core of the breakthrough triathlon performances we help our athletes achieve: After a brief transition period at…

family in kona

Coach Patrick’s 2015 Ironman Hawaii Race Report

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The Short Version: 10:02, good enough for 60th AG (new personal best!) and my third best time here on the Big Island — but my…

Run Durability Equipment

Coach P

  Run Durability Webinar with Coach Patrick Duration: 1 hour, 17 minutes (including Q&A) Access: Online Here Our recent article on the importance of run…

TriSports.com & Endurance Nation

Coach P

  Endurance Nation is proud to introduce our newest sponsor relationship– TriSports.com   One of the first online triathlon stores, TriSports has grown to become…

FREE Ironman® Arizona RaceRank™ and SufferLevel™ Resources by Endurance Nation

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With Ironman® Arizona right around the corner, it’s time for another endurance nation overview on execution. Many of you know of the Endurance Nation “Four…

Ironman Florida 2015 Official Coaches Recap

Coach P

The 2015 Ironman® in Panama City Beach Florida was set against the backdrop of warmer than usual conditions. Despite the fact that several weeks earlier all…

Coach Patrick’s October Recap / November Planning for 2016

Coach P

What Time Will the Clock Say in 2016?! I have to be honest and say that this is my favorite time of the year. 🙂…

Start Your New Season Right… By Resting

Coach P

One of the biggest challenges that endurance athletes face every year has many different names: burnout, fatigue, meltdown, breakdown, etc. Call it what you want, the challenge remains the same. A successful season is defined as your ability to maintain or slightly increase your training load over time. But if your mind and body are fighting you?