Voice of the Nation

Age Group Triathlon Training & Team Updates from Across the Globe!


Ironman Florida 2015 Official Coaches Recap

Coach P

The 2015 Ironman® in Panama City Beach Florida was set against the backdrop of warmer than usual conditions. Despite the fact that several weeks earlier all…

Coach Patrick’s October Recap / November Planning for 2016

Coach P

What Time Will the Clock Say in 2016?! I have to be honest and say that this is my favorite time of the year. 🙂…

Start Your New Season Right… By Resting

Coach P

One of the biggest challenges that endurance athletes face every year has many different names: burnout, fatigue, meltdown, breakdown, etc. Call it what you want, the challenge remains the same. A successful season is defined as your ability to maintain or slightly increase your training load over time. But if your mind and body are fighting you?

The Run Durability Advantage — Building A Better Next Year by Running More This Year

150 150 Coach P

Running on Ali’i – Mile 6-ish, SO HOT!   Run Durability Webinar with Coach Patrick Duration: 1 hour, 17 minutes (including Q&A) Access: Online Here…

Race Weekend Spotlight Oct 9-11 & Oct 16-18 2015

Coach P

  Ironman® Louisville: 1st Place, Division 1 with 46,507 points scored – special congratulations to: Jordan Marchewka 1st Ironman 11:31 Danielle Santucci 11:30 Jay Reville 1st Ironman 11:48 Stephan…

Training Consistency Kills…Your Triathlon Competition

Coach P

It’s that time of year when Kona is done, New Year’s resolutions are several weeks away..and candy and food abound. For most endurance athletes, this is training and racing purgatory.

Coach Rich – What I Learned During the 2015 Triathlon Season

150 150 Rich Strauss

This post was originally written internally for our members. I’m sharing it with the rest of the triathlon world, to give some insights. Enjoy! ++++++++…

2016 OutSeason and the Evolution of Endurance Nation

150 150 Rich Strauss

Rich Strauss and Patrick McCrann, the Endurance Nation coaches, feel that the 2015 racing season was a watershed year for them, as both athletes and…

Coach Patrick — What I Learned During the 2015 Triathlon Season

Coach P

The end of another year is a great chance to review all of our lessons learned…what worked, and what didn’t. As a coach and athlete,…

Coach Patrick's 2015 Ironman Hawaii Race Report

Coach P

The Short Version: 10:02, good enough for 60th AG (new personal best!) and my third best time here on the Big Island — but my most complete race (finally, in my 7th attempt here)! Thanks to all of you for your support, well-wishes and more…no way I could ever do this on my own. Biggest props goes to my amazing wife and daughters who were everywhere on race day with smiles, high-fives and more!