Voice of the Nation

Age Group Triathlon Training & Team Updates from Across the Globe!


#ENTriChat "Training with Power"

Coach P

Every 1st and 3rd Mondays on Twitter, Endurance Nation hosts #ENTriChat at 8pm EST. This hour long chat is sponsored by a different EN sponsor…

The Endurance Nation Four Keys of Triathlon Training – Key #4: Semper Fun!

150 150 Rich Strauss

If you’ve stuck with this series so far, you’ve learned about #workWORKS, Return on Investment, and The Box. We conclude the Four Keys of Triathlon…

Patience & Discipline: How To Set Expectations for Performance as a Self-Coached Triathlete [Part 4 of 4]

150 150 Coach P

Part Four: Inserting Your Deltas Across A Year of Training Not the Reading Type? Watch the YouTube Video here. Click Here to Read Part Three. …

#ENTriChat "How to Safely Add Run Volume to Triathlon Training"

Coach P

February 2, 2015 #ENTriChat an hour long Twitter chat, sponsored by INSIDE TRACKER one of the newest sponsors to the Endurance Nation Team. Inside Tracker…

Patience & Discipline: How To Set Expectations for Performance as a Self-Coached Triathlete [Part 3 of 4]

150 150 Coach P

Season Planning Part 3/4: Critical Performance Components Part Three: Critical Performance Components Not the Reading Type? Watch the YouTube Video here.  Looking for Part Two?…

The Endurance Nation Four Keys of Triathlon Training – Key #3: The Box

150 150 Rich Strauss

In Part I we introduced you to the Four Keys of Triathlon Training and Key #1: #workWORKS. Key #2, Return on Investment, is here. Today…

Patience & Discipline: How To Set Expectations for Performance as a Self-Coached Triathlete [Part 2 of 4]

150 150 Coach P

Now that we have envisioned your race experience and have determined your current “performance delta” — baseline fitness vs desired race day performance — it’s time to start doing some basic math.

#ENTriChat "The Endurance Athlete and Body Composition"

Coach P

Every 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month, Endurance Nation hosts an online Twitter Chat from 8pm-9pm EST with different sponsors every chat passing out…

2015 January Volume Camp Recap

Coach P

This was our first annual foray down to the warmer climates of Florida for “winter triathlon break,” and by all accounts it was an incredible success. We had 10 campers join us for a 4-day training block that included 7000 yards of swimming, 240 miles of cycling, and 20+ miles of running.

The Four Keys of Triathlon Training – Key #2: Return on Investment

150 150 Rich Strauss

In Part I of this series, we introduced you to the Four Keys of Triathlon Training and to our first key, #workWORKS. Today we continue…