Voice of the Nation

Age Group Triathlon Training & Team Updates from Across the Globe!


Endurance Nation’s First Time Finish™ Program and upcoming eBook

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Endurance Nation is proud to announce our FirstTimeFinish™ Guarantee and our new eBook for first time Ironman athletes

Endurance Nation's First Time Finish™ Program and upcoming eBook

Coach P

Join Coach Patrick for this post-race podcast on the Beach to Battleship iron-distance event, where Darren Freeman walks us through his race and the event itself. 

Season Planning for the First Time Ironman

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This is an excerpt of the first chapter of Endurance Nation’s upcoming eBook for first time Ironman® competitors. The book will be released to subscribers…

A Treadmill Love Story, Or Why (and How!) Triathletes Should Embrace the Treadmill in the OutSeason

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Despite its shortcomings, the treadmill is a fascinating triathlon training tool. Nowhere is this more true than during the OutSeason, when your training is super focused.

Watts per Kilo, and Koach Dick’s Watts Per Kilo Klub

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The OutSeason® is a great time for our athletes to have fun while training, and that comes from an understanding of how watts per kilo affects their output.

Resist the Siren Call of Epic Winter Events

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In recent years, we’ve seen the Age Group Triathlete’s calendar become filled with more and more opportunities for “epic winter training/racing events” – high volume…