Cancellations & Refunds


All reservations with Endurance Nation are subject to the following Terms and Conditions.

👉 Download Waiver: PDF or MSWord

How to Book a Trip

To book a trip you should submit a deposit on the proper camp page on our website (Bespoke Adventures will have a private webpage and login).

Our staff will contact you via e-mail to confirm the booking and the deposit payment.

Please don’t confirm any travel plans until you’ve received the booking confirmation e-mail from our staff.

You will also receive an invoice via e-mail showing you the final amount due and the payment due date. Unless otherwise stated, the Final Payment is due three (3) months before the Trip Start Date.


Travel Protection

We strongly recommend that you protect your travel investment with Travel Insurance. We also strongly recommend that your travel insurance package includes Cancel for any Reason (CFAR) coverage. Most reputable travel insurance providers will offer a CFAR option. IMPORTANT: Please check with your travel insurance provider as you will be required to purchase the CFAR coverage almost immediately after booking your trip and paying the initial deposit.

Many of our past guests have been happy with the service provided by Travel Guard Insurance and they include a CFAR option. Here’s a link to their website:

Cancellation – If YOU Cancel

Standard Camp / Event Cancellation Policy:  

Your trip deposit is partially refundable and fully transferable up until 120 days before departure.

Your deposit on file can be re-used within the next 12 months from the initial camp date.

Camp / Event Balance Payment Refund Timeline

Days Prior to Trip Existing Adventures Cancellation Fee Bespoke Adventures Cancellation Fee
More than 121 days 50% of Deposit* 100% of Deposit*
Between 91 & 120 days 100% of Deposit* 30% of Trip Price
Between 61 & 90 days 30% of Trip Price 50% of Trip Price
Between 31 & 60 days 60% of Trip Price 75% of Trip Price
Between 0 and 30 days 100% of Trip Price 100% of Trip Price
*100% of the trip deposit can be rolled over as travel credits for one year. Credits may be applied only once and will not be reissued in the event the rebooked travel is canceled again.

Cancellation – If Endurance Nation, LLC Cancels

Endurance Nation, LLC reserves the right to cancel your trip under any of the following circumstances:

1. Where extraordinary or unavoidable circumstances beyond our reasonable control arise. Such circumstances include but are not limited to, dangerous weather conditions, fires, natural disasters, industrial actions, war, riots, pandemics, civil or political unrest, terrorism, and technical problems which may arise with transport.

2. If we believe that the safety of our guests or staff could be compromised.

3. The minimum number of guests needed to operate one of our trips has not been met.

In the event of such a cancellation, Endurance Nation, LLC will issue a full refund of any amounts paid minus transaction fees and equipment/clothing purchased.*

Endurance Nation, LLC will not be responsible for any travel-related costs or extra costs incurred by the guest, the refund or trip credit will constitute a full settlement.

Camp / Event Policies:

    • Camp / Events payments cannot be transferred to another individual.
    • There are no discounts, refunds, or exchanges associated with an Athlete skipping or missing any portion of a camp including, without limitation, meals, lectures, or rides.
    • Camp / Event will be conducted based on the schedule posted prior to the camp. However, Endurance Nation, LLC reserves the right to modify the camp schedule at its sole discretion.
    • If you are not satisfied with your camp experience, please notify a coach or the camp manager as soon as possible DURING THE CAMP / EVENT. Endurance Nation, LLC will make a considerable effort to remedy any issues. Refunds will not be issued for camps once the camp has commenced.

* For future trip credits, reservations must be made within 12 months of the original date of departure, or funds are forfeited. The credit balance will be applied to the camp fee (camp fees may not be the same from year to year). Refunds will not be issued after either (1) credit has been allocated to a future trip or (2) the credit has exceeded the 12-month expiration.

Contact Information:

If you have a question that needs an answer, please email me on my personal email here: patrick [dot] mccrann [at] gmail [dot] com