
Ambassador Spotlight – Scott Davis

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    Endurance Nation Ambassador – Scott Davis Ever thought to yourself, “I could do an IRONMAN® Triathlon if I had enough time to train and still have a life?” Well, you’re not alone. We recently interviewed Endurance Nation Ambassador, Scott Davis on this very topic. Scott juggles his own business and beautiful wife and children…

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Ambassador Spotlight- Juan Vergara

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Ambassador Spotlight Juan Vergara Stats:  Town: Sao Paulo, Brazil Age Group: M 55-59 Twitter/Instagram Handle: @juanmvergara Endurance Nation invites you to take five minutes and read an interview with one of our most enthusiastic Ambassadors. Unedited, the road from beginner to Kona in less than 5 years is an interesting read. Connect with Juan on social media,…

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Ambassador Spotlight

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  An Interview with Tom Box Endurance Nation Ambassador  EN: Tell us a little bit about yourself.  Tom: I work in Salem, Oregon as an anesthesiologist.  My very patient and loving wife supports me through the craziness of this sport. I have 2 sons, the oldest married with 2 foster children, a 16 month old and…

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Ambassador Spotlight

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Married 25 years, Trish Marshall is no stranger to dedication to her husband and family. It was only a matter of time she would fall in love with the dedication that is the sport of Triathlon, regardless of the fact she had zero athletic background. Her love of the sport blossomed in the hot summer…

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Ambassador Spotlight

Coach P

Ambassador Spotlight:  JIM HOGAN Jim is a professional speaker and consultant who works with sales teams to increase sales using mental toughness psychological performance training.  That truly is a mouth full but it is actually a perfect fit for training and racing in the triathlon world.  It is the connection between the physical fortitude required…

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