
IMUSA Tri-Rally 2010, Preview

150 150 Rich Strauss

Coach Rich, and his assistant coach, a moose, deliver the Four Keys IMUSA Version to nearly 50 campers TeamEN members and fans have assembled for the Endurance Nation IMUSA Tri-Rally — a weekend of training, learning, and fun. Last year Rich and Patrick committed themselves stepping away from the traditional model of the expensive weekend…

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TOC Camp Stage 5: Visalia to Bakersfield

150 150 Rich Strauss

The riding does not suck in California Theme of the Day: Yeah, no, this stage is boring….let’s do something epically cool! Summary: Coach Rich leverages his knowledge of California’s best roads to create a custom stage — a climb through Sequoia National Forest, max elevation of 7300 feet, then a descent down the Kern River…

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Triathlon, the Tri-Rally and the Case for More Free Stuff

150 150 Coach P

This weekend in Lake Placid, something very unique is going to happen. Over fifty triathletes from across the US are going to come together for three days of training and learning. There will be TT bikes, road bikes, wetsuits and running shoes. Coaches and newbies. Spandex and sunglasses. But one thing will be conspicuously absent: money. This camp is 100% free.

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TOC Camp Stage 4: San Jose to Modesto

150 150 Rich Strauss

EN ToC is met by members of the EN NorCal Sleeper Cell Theme of the Day: The Team that is Endurance Nation comes together to make some pretty cool stuff happen for the camp. Summary: We climb legendary Sierra Road right out of the gate, the EN NorCal Sleeper Cell meets the camp and leads…

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TOC Camp Stage 3: San Francisco to Santa Cruz

150 150 Rich Strauss

Dr. Kitima before Stage 1 with her emergency med supplies…a foreshadowing of the events of Stage 3 Theme of the Day: Murphy Comes a Knockin’, Big Time! Summary: a great ride down the coast, a quick transition to a dramatic rainforest KOM, then things go sideways with two crashes and a coach in the San…

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TOC Camp Stage 2: Davis to Santa Rosa

150 150 Rich Strauss

Theme of the Day: Does it always rain here?!! Summary: Campers ride in a drizel all day, climb Mt. Howell, a serious KOM, and are met with dry clothes and hot soup in Angwin. The Full Run Down The hills and length of Stage 1 provided a good shakedown that identified some maintenance issues to…

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TOC Camp Stage 1: Nevada City to Sacramento

150 150 Rich Strauss

We left the city of Grass Valley at about 8am, off to find the KOM on the other side of Auburn and then “cruise” downhill to just outside Sacramento. What looked like a simple stage turned out to be quite difficult…but we all made the most of it and had fun despite the pain!

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Preview: Endurance Nation Tour of California

150 150 Rich Strauss

Now that IMSG is in the can, we turn our attention to our next team event: our Tour of California training camp! Like the swallows to Capistrano, every year TeamEN athletes assemble themselves at EN West Coast HQ for this camp, our signature “Epically Cool Training Experience.” This year, 17 Team EN members will ride Stages 1-6 of the Tour of California, just hours ahead of the race.

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