
Three Insider Tips for Racing Lake Placid

150 150 Coach P

Lake Placid is one of the crown jewels of the North American Ironman® circuit. It has something for everyone, from a great course to race on to a beautiful backdrop for your friends and family to enjoy their trip as well. But it’s still an Ironman, and it’s still going to try and put the…

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Triathlete Real Running Form Review: An Age Grouper Video Analysis

Coach P

There’s a lot of chatter inside Team EN about becoming a better runner; as a coach it’s a fine line between talking about fitness vs proper technique. But at the end of the day there’s no hiding from the camera…I am putting the video below out there for folks to see not because I am…

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Five Reasons Why The Off Season Is Your Best Chance To Gain New Speed

150 150 Coach P

Even though most endurance athletes have one big race each season, that doesn’t preclude them from doing many other events. After all, if you can do an Ironman® or a 70.3, then you should be able to just jump into a marathon for fun…right? The answer would be yes if it weren’t for two specific…

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Rethinking the Value of the Brick Run for Long Course Triathlon

150 150 Rich Strauss

Making improvements to your training approach is a critical annual exercise if you are looking to improve. As coaches we perform the same review, although we have the benefit of looking at training and results from a detached perspective. And our top change for the 2012 season is a big one: we decided to eliminate…

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The Case Against Brick Workouts

150 150 Rich Strauss

As part of our most recent rewrite our entire triathlon training plan suite (OutSeason, Half and Full Ironman), we decided to eliminate brick workouts (runs off the bike) as a “special” workout. After years of reviewing results and the feedback of our athletes, customers, and comparing both with our own training and racing experience, we…

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The Long Course Run/Walk?

150 150 Rich Strauss

“Should I walk the aid stations at my next Ironman® run or just run through them?” We’ve been recommending a run/walk strategy for our athletes and at our “Four Keys” pre-race talk for years. It works and these are our thoughts: Run through the aid station to the last water, gel, coke, sportsdrink guy/gal, whatever…

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Stop Running Long on Sunday

800 665 Rich Strauss

I’ve been fightin’ this fight for years and, in my opinion, it’s a clear line in the sand that separates Old from New Skool. It clearly identifies coaches and self-coached athletes who get it vs those who don’t have enough experience, haven’t done it themselves, and/or haven’t stepped back to think things through more critically.

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When To Go Big With Your Triathlon Running

150 150 Coach P

In a previous post outlining how we recommend building run fitness across a triathlon season by emphasizing the importance of building fast over far. [link:A Season of Triathlon Running Fitness] If you read that article, then you learned about the hidden cost of volume, velocity vs volume, and the importance of benchmarking. Or perhaps you have reviewed our online training manual (free, here) and seen how we build a season.

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Team EN vs Boston Marathon 2010

150 150 Coach P

We had several “official” Team EN members take on the Boston Marathon this year. This is despite our annual push to get folks not to run a marathon in your training — for some the siren call of Boston is too strong to resist! The runners had a great day, with perfect temps and perhaps…

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Running a Faster Long Course Marathon, Part II: Running Faster

150 150 Coach P

Let’s begin by breaking the topic down into two major components: Running Potential and Running Success. Running Potential: “What CAN I run on race day, given current fitness, training, etc?” The best predictor of Running Potential on race day is your VDot score. Running Success: “Given my running potential, what WILL I run on race…

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