Join EN at the 2021 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo!

800 800 Patrick McCrann
Join EN at the Alpine Gran Fondo!

Alpine Loop Gran Fondo


The 2021 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo will take place Sunday, September 26, 2021. It’s a come-back year for the event. Hey, it’s a comeback year for all of us!

There will be opportunities for team members and the general public to join us for a special pre-ride event with proceeds going to a local charity fighting prostate cancer.

This is an important event because it gives us a chance to socialize before heading inside for the Winter!

Agenda (events are invitation only)


  • Recon Ride mid-morning; up to 50 miles.
  • Happy Hour Meet Up + Race Discussion


  • Optional Ride
  • Check In
  • Scavenger Hunt


  • Ride Your Distance of Choice

Sign Up for the Gran Fondo

Find your event and be sure to choose TeamEN when you sign up.  >> Go to Bike Reg

Request an Invitation

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