70.3 Hawaii Race Report

600 800 Patrick McCrann

Athlete Name: Eugene Partridge

Race Name: 70.3 Hawaii

Year: 2024

To start with “I almost didn’t”. I was dealing with a rotator cuff injury which occurred only 3 days prior to race start @ the Kona pool.

Race day was met by brutal non stop Kona winds, 15 mph sustained, 25 mph gusts, tough going in all 3 venues.

Swim: start time rolled back due to unsafe conditions & re adjusted short swim set up. Anyway the buoys were all over the place.

I was good enough to swim the 750 yd swim course, due to advil, ice, & KT tape.  “Seeing a doctor today so I can get into PT.

After swim 🏊‍♂️, around 18, minutes 300 y run to T 1,

T1-9 minutes, so I exit T-1 in a little 30 minutes gone.

The Bike 🚴 Because of high winds & cross winds cycling was no joke,  going aero was critical but I couldn’t due to left shoulder injury, I could do a modified aero with right arm in & left arm outstretched, climb up to Hawii was tough, but easier than St George,head winds & cross winds never eased my time in the saddle 4 hours,

T-2 9 minutes again

The run was OK, despite the wind, heat & humidity now my shoulder didn’t hurt anymore, I walked @ each aid station otherwise ran the entire half marathon. Run time-2:50:0

To summarize it was a tough day, but really happy to have come & competed,

7/10 three dnf’s, & another could not compete the swim

What’s next? IM 70.3 Oregon in July, doctor appointment today @ 3 pm

Team  comments

Brenda RossYou are a bad a** Eugene.  What a day. Congrats on not pulling out despite the injury and conditions.  I hope your PT can sort the shoulder out for you. You are an inspiration to say the least.

Linda Marie – Way to battle through the tough condition Eugene W Partridge !  You are tough!

Robin Sarner – Super. A favorite race of mine.