How Will YOU Beat the Heat?
Every race is hard. But some races are harder than others. And the 2016 edition of Ironman® Texas seems poise to be just that. From the modified bike, to moved transition / swim, to the high temperatures and minimal wind…there’s something for everyone.
Texas RaceRank by Endurance Nation
We have reviewed several years of data to create the ranking system that benchmarks Texas against other North American race courses. Follow the instructions below to get your download link.
[sociallocker]Click Here to Download the PDF![/sociallocker]
Texas SufferLevel by Endurance Nation
This is specific to this year’s conditions and is meant to help racers plan accordingly to hand the conditions predicted for race day. Register for the Endurance Nation newsletter to the the 2016 SufferLevel for Texas.
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Endurance Nation is the world’s largest, fastest online triathlon coaching group with more than 750 members across the globe training and racing together. Be sure to check us out at EnduranceNation.us, or Become a Team Member.
Endurance Nation: Work Hard, Get Smart, Go Fast!
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