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Runners and the Pace Problem

400 343 Patrick McCrann
Runners and the Pace Problem Runners have a pacing problem. At first, tracking run workouts purely by pace and heart rate makes sense, until you breakdown the reasoning behind the metrics. The key to faster running may come down to which metric runners are paying attention to. For years, running pace has been a critical [...]read more
On the 5k Run

Tis the Season for Short Races – Using 5k Races to Keep the Winter Fun and Fast

794 602 Patrick McCrann

The 5K is the perfect winter running distance. Most Type A triathletes seek massive endurance challenges to test their run fitness. The savvy triathlete looks instead to the 5K distance as a tool for creating and measuring the appropriate fitness. It makes sense: you already spend the bulk of your year running long and steady in preparation…

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Five Reasons Why The Off Season Is Your Best Chance To Gain New Speed

150 150 Coach P

Even though most endurance athletes have one big race each season, that doesn’t preclude them from doing many other events. After all, if you can do an Ironman® or a 70.3, then you should be able to just jump into a marathon for fun…right? The answer would be yes if it weren’t for two specific…

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