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Broken Fork

So You DNF’d — Now What?

768 574 Patrick McCrann

Image Courtesy of Buster Carbon Not finishing your target race of the season can be a massive blow to your endurance ego. Your ego doesn’t care how you DNF’d; it only knows that you failed. For days, weeks, and months you have built the fitness and the expectation that you would achieve your finish line. Now what? It’s time to make…

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2017 EN*Full and EN*Half Training Plans are LIVE and On Sale!

240 313 Rich Strauss

We are pleased to announce release of our 2017 EN*Full and EN*Half training plans! Every Endurance Nation digital training plans is designed to put you 100% in charge of your season. No more waiting for workouts or emails. No more wondering what workout to do. Put down the magazines and books…it’s time to start training! Eliminate Wasted Training Time;…

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Paul Hough at 70.3® Worlds

The Year of the Half (Get Stronger, Faster and Have More Fun)

555 800 Patrick McCrann

The Half Iron distance is the most underrated event in the triathlon world. There’s a gap between what beginners do at the Sprint and Olympic distance level, and then what the most advanced folks do at the Ironman® level. The 70.3®  distance falls right in between these two and is often overlooked. In this blog post, I’ll cover…

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EN Podcast

ENPodcast – 10Year – DominicMalleo

180 125 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This is a special Tenth Anniversary interview with Dominic Malleo, one of our original members who is still on the Team. Dominic has four kids, just babies when he started the triathlon game. Now things have settled down, Dom is back for another run at…

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On the 5k Run

Tis the Season for Short Races – Using 5k Races to Keep the Winter Fun and Fast

794 602 Patrick McCrann

The 5K is the perfect winter running distance. Most Type A triathletes seek massive endurance challenges to test their run fitness. The savvy triathlete looks instead to the 5K distance as a tool for creating and measuring the appropriate fitness. It makes sense: you already spend the bulk of your year running long and steady in preparation…

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EN Podcast

Episode #608 — Holiday Running

180 125 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P talks about preparing for the Holiday Season that is December. Tune in for some big picture thougths on what really matters as well as how to best train when you are on the road and away from home. Give the…

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EN Podcast

Episode #607 — Value of Fall Running

180 125 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P covers Fall Running, and how it playing into the annual process of creating your best possible race. Points covered include: Value of Run Durability Commit to Running Steady Aid with Body Composition Goals Fun Run Races Abound Set Frequency and Total…

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Beach Swim Start

Twin Peaks: Getting Fast In Your Final Race of the Season

533 400 Patrick McCrann

The last race of your year represents an opportunity for you to redeem yourself or to confirm that you are truly awesome. Don’t put any undue pressure on yourself other than making sure that you’re doing everything possible to have your best race. You have lessons learned from earlier races and a good sense of…

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EN Podcast

Five Tips for Heat Racing Excellence

180 125 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P breaks down  the concept of the racing in the heat… consider this podcast to be inspired by what happened at Ironman®’s Hawaii this year. As more and more races get hotter, and are championship races remain in the heat, your ability…

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Gimme Back My Sponges!

Adjusting Your Race Plan For The Heat

798 800 Patrick McCrann

Is it me or does every race seem to be hot these days? Without a doubt, racing in the heat is one of the biggest challenges that endurance athletes face. Staying warm on a cold day isn’t easy, but staying cool under effort is almost impossible. Here is guidance for adjusting your race plan on a…

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