Posts Tagged :

age grouper triathlon

The Ultimate Winter Training Guide for Triathletes

500 375 Coach P

Every year we watch thousands of athletes compete on the Ironman and 70.3 race circuit — after all as coaches we travel to most of the major events on the race calendar. Race day is special not just for what happens, but because it’s the culmination of months of training and focus.

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Four Triathlon Fundamentals Learned from Coaching Thousands of Athletes

150 150 Coach P

It’s Time to Go Back to Tri School — You Ready??? photo credit: mueritz We initially were going to title this post something like: “Everything I’ve Learned About Triathlon Has Come From Coaching Over 5,000 Athletes, Not From A Random Book”  But that wasn’t as catchy and we’re pretty sure no one would read it!…

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