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coach patrick

Revolution3 Quassy Race Report – Coach Patrick McCrann

150 150 Coach P

Rev3Quassy Race Report: Coach Patrick Team Update Rev3Quassy was our first Key Race for the 2013 season…and it was a doozy! Tons of climbing and high temperatures conspired to really test our early season fitness and preparation. It was awesome to spend the weekend with TeamEN folks and to see so many of them ripping…

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Blue Ridge Parkway Day Four Overview

Coach P

  The fourth and final day of the 2012 BRP camp wasn’t that different than days one, two or three. This was due largely in part to the fact that we already rode this course yesterday. But the other part was just as easy to figure out: the roads were quiet and smooth; the views…

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Blue Ridge Parkway Camp: Day Three Overview

150 150 Coach P

  After returning from Front Royal yesterday, today’s course is plotted along the Blue Ridge Parkway. “Only” 85 miles, this route has roughly the same amount of gain as the 104 miles route of the first two days, with one big difference: an 11.5 mile climb of 3300 feet! Breakfast started off just a little…

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Getting Fast – Coach Patrick's 2012 Season Start

Coach P

Coach Patrick on the Lake Placid Course I started the 2012 Ironman® triathlon training and racing season with some very lofty performance goals. It was clear to me at the end of last year that while I was fitter, the competition was getting stronger, not to mention that the overall number of slots for Kona…

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