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Tackling the Leadville Challenge, Endurance Nation Style with Rob Chose

639 471 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P walks through the following Key Talking Points: –  A Quick Race Debrief / Training Plan Feedback –  Value of Nutrition –  Race Reconnaissance –  Team Paying it Forward –  Value of Quality –  Altitude Adjustment –  Last Minute Nutrition Subscribe here:…

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EN Podcast

ENPodcast – 623 – $hit Triathletes Say

180 125 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P goes rogue, dropping a few curse words and revealing the true inspiration behind the creation of Endurance Nation. He also covers the basic principles that form the foundation of the Endurance Nation community. It’s not easy talking about something that’s…

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Endurance Nation Charity Kickstart Update: June 2011

150 150 Coach P

It’s that time again, when we get to report on the data that really matters. Forget about w/kg, vDOT, or your LTHR…let’s talk about giving real money to organizations that are making a difference in the lives of others and improving the quality of life for us all. Every month in 2011, Endurance Nation has…

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Endurance Nation Kickstart Program Update: February 2011

150 150 Coach P

It’s that time again, when we get to report on the data that really matters. Forget about w/kg, vDOT, or your LTHR…let’s talk about giving real money to organizations that are making a difference in the lives of others and improving the quality of life for us all.

Every month in 2011, Endurance Nation has pledged to award $250 to up to eight (8) member or training plan athletes who are racing to raise money for a particular charity. Our 2011 annual commitment is $24,000 — a lot in some ways, but not enough in others.

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Endurance Nation KickStart Program Update: January 2011

150 150 Coach P

It’s that time again, when we get to report on the data that really matters. Forget about w/kg, vDOT, or your LTHR…let’s talk about giving real money to organizations that are making a difference in the lives of others and improving the quality of life for us all.

Every month in 20111, Endurance Nation has pledged to award $250 to up to eight (8) member or training plan athletes who are racing to raise money for a particular charity. Our 2011 annual commitment is $24,000 — a lot in some ways, but not enough in others.

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