Posts Tagged :

endurance nation

Race 101 Seminar Series, by

150 150 Coach P

With our Four Keys DVD, Ironman® Course Talks, Power Webinar,, and a TeamEN coach at every US Ironman, Endurance Nation is widely regarded as the go-to resource for Ironman® race day excution guidance. We’ve taken all of our experience and packaged it into an 8-lesson detailed online course. This is a more detailed version…

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TOC Camp Stage 4: San Jose to Modesto

150 150 Rich Strauss

EN ToC is met by members of the EN NorCal Sleeper Cell Theme of the Day: The Team that is Endurance Nation comes together to make some pretty cool stuff happen for the camp. Summary: We climb legendary Sierra Road right out of the gate, the EN NorCal Sleeper Cell meets the camp and leads…

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TOC Camp Stage 3: San Francisco to Santa Cruz

150 150 Rich Strauss

Dr. Kitima before Stage 1 with her emergency med supplies…a foreshadowing of the events of Stage 3 Theme of the Day: Murphy Comes a Knockin’, Big Time! Summary: a great ride down the coast, a quick transition to a dramatic rainforest KOM, then things go sideways with two crashes and a coach in the San…

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TOC Camp Stage 1: Nevada City to Sacramento

150 150 Rich Strauss

We left the city of Grass Valley at about 8am, off to find the KOM on the other side of Auburn and then “cruise” downhill to just outside Sacramento. What looked like a simple stage turned out to be quite difficult…but we all made the most of it and had fun despite the pain!

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St George Results and Reports

150 150 Coach P

Mile 18 at Ironman St George21 TeamEN athletes kicked off the 2010 Ironman series on May 1st with Ironman St George, the newest entry on the US Ironman calendar. Rich and the Team scouted out the course in February to prepare for the event and afterwards named the course the most challenging in North America.

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Team EN vs St. George 2010 Roll Call: 15 EN Athletes Racing!

150 150 Coach P

St. George is not home of the most challenging Ironman event in North America, and is officially the first stop on the 2010 Four Keys Tour by Team Endurance Nation. Our racing roster shows that at least 15 Endurance Nation athlete will be racing IMSG this coming Saturday and a growing number coming out to be a spectator, volunteer, or signup for next year. Get last minute tips and advice here.

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Running a Faster Long Course Marathon, Part III: Running More Efficiently

150 150 Coach P

Let’s talk about going faster with less effort…but first…a disclaimer: The topic of running efficiency is a currently a hot one. Google “Pose Method, “Chi Running,” “barefoot running,” “Born to Run,” “Newton shoes,” etc and you’ll be led to books, articles, links and studies espousing this, that and the other theory about how to run…

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Four Keys Talk in Atlanta, GA, April 10th

150 150 Coach P

Endurance Nation presents the Four Keys of Race ExecutionTalk. Rich Strauss, head coach and founder of Endurance Nation, will share with you the race day execution tips and mental strategies that have created PR performances for thousands of athletes. Rich has delivered this talk, live, to over 1500 athletes at Ironman® venues since 2003. The…

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Running a Faster Long Course Marathon, Part II: Running Faster

150 150 Coach P

Let’s begin by breaking the topic down into two major components: Running Potential and Running Success. Running Potential: “What CAN I run on race day, given current fitness, training, etc?” The best predictor of Running Potential on race day is your VDot score. Running Success: “Given my running potential, what WILL I run on race…

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Running a Faster Long Course Marathon, Part I: Introduction

150 150 Coach P

Coach Rich at Coeur d’Alene'08 The Ironman® run course is where PR hopes and dreams go to die a painful death. The course is littered with the bodies of very fit people who’ve done all the right training, or so they think, but who slow down dramatically on the run. In our opinion, traditional Ironman®…

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