Posts Tagged :

endurance nation

#ENTriChat — How to Plan your Race Season

Coach P

  #ENTriChat — How to Plan your Race Season  With Sponsor — Revolution3 Triathlon What IS a Twitter Chat? A Twitter chat is where a group of Twitter users meet at a predetermined time to discuss a certain topic, using a designated hashtag(#) for each tweet contributed.  Imagine a business networking event—but without a dress…

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Top 5 Articles of 2015

800 61 Coach P

  As 2015 is in our rear view mirror and 2016 is full of exciting promises, it is only natural to reflect. It has been an honor to provide the endurance community with new in sites, articles and tips on how to become a better athlete, for that, we thank you! Here is our Top…

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Who Is Racing What?

Coach P

  One of the best things about Endurance Nation is being able to virtually train with hundreds of people all over the world. Then on race day, racing with all your teammates! Here are some of the races you will see EN staff racing at this year. We would love to see you competing along…

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Triathlete Holiday Wish List [Sponsor Edition]

150 150 Coach P

Want to get the amazing sponsorship discounts listed below and over twenty others? Join Endurance Nation for your triathlon coaching and Become a Team Member! Please visit all our sponsors on social media for more amazing articles, ideas and information on upcoming events and products! 1. REV3 Races  Number 1 on our list as REV3 has…

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Race Weekend Spotlight: End of Season Races

Coach P

  Endurance Nation racing season has come to an end and we are thrilled with everyones performances. Congratulations to the team on a fantastic year filled with podium finishers, first timers, veterans, PR’s, lessons learned and memories across the board. Ironman® Arizona 3rd Place Tri Club 46358 Points  — Special Congrats to:  David Ware – 40AG…

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Case Study: Mark Lane M55-59

Coach P

This post is part of our regular Case Study series, where we highlight some of the great people that are a part of Team Endurance Nation. Our members are all ages, all abilities…and they are all awesome! We hope you enjoy learning about us. Feel free to surf the blog and become a team member to explore the…

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Case Study: Edwin Croucher M50-54

150 150 Coach P

  This post is part of our regular Case Study series, where we highlight some of the great people that are a part of Team Endurance Nation. Our members are all ages, all abilities…and they are all awesome! We hope you enjoy learning about us. Feel free to surf the blog and become a team…

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Thomas Jones: A Case Study

Coach P

  This post is part of our regular Case Study series, where we highlight some of the great people that are a part of Team Endurance Nation. Our members are all ages, all abilities…and they are all awesome! We hope you enjoy learning about us. Feel free to surf the blog and become a team member to…

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Race Weekend Spotlight Oct 9-11 & Oct 16-18 2015

Coach P

  Ironman® Louisville: 1st Place, Division 1 with 46,507 points scored – special congratulations to: Jordan Marchewka 1st Ironman 11:31 Danielle Santucci 11:30 Jay Reville 1st Ironman 11:48 Stephan W Brunelle 11:45 with a 21 minute PR Paul Hough 11:41 Roy Ezell 12:48 Ironman® 70.3 Arizona Ironman® World Championship: – special congratulations to: Teri Cashmore 11:59 Tim Cronk 11:54 Doug Herr…

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Endurance Nation Ironman® Wisconsin 2015 Race Recap

Rich Strauss

Ironman Wisconsin Team   Endurance Nation and I have a long and illustrious history at Ironman® Wisconsin — I raced the inaugural year of the event in 2002, finishing in 10:05 and earning my first Kona slot. I’ve since raced it in 2004 and 20011, and have conducted training camps on the course and Four Keys…

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