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InsideTracker- Knowledge is Power

Coach P

  “Knowledge is having the right answer, Intelligence is asking the right question” Inside Tracker has the knowledge, all we have to do is ask. InsideTracker is a personalized health analytics company founded by leading scientists, physicians, nutritionists and exercise physiologists from MIT, Harvard and Tufts University. The InsideTracker platform tracks and analyzes key biochemical…

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#ENTriChat "The Endurance Athlete and Body Composition"

Coach P

Every 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month, Endurance Nation hosts an online Twitter Chat from 8pm-9pm EST with different sponsors every chat passing out give-a-ways, its no wonder the chat is growing rapidly within the triathlon community! This week we talked about body composition and the endurance athlete. Read the recap below, share and…

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#ENTriChat "Endurance Nutrition Essentials"

150 150 Coach P

  Join Endurance Nation every 1st and 3rd Monday’s on Twitter for #ENTriChat Every chat has a different topic, sponsor and give-a-ways! Share, Learn and Win! This week our topic was “Endurance Race Day Nutrition Essentials” with sponsor TheCoreDiet. As a member of Endurance Nation, The Core Diet gives our members special discounts, pricing and…

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Heart Rate Training Redefined, Part II: Get Out of the Weightroom!

150 150 Coach P

In Part I we introduced you to the principle that performance fitness is in the muscles, not in the cardiovascular system. Now we would like to introduce you to Return on Investment (ROI) and the Principle of Specificity, Endurance Nation’s “do-not-pass-go” concepts for the age-group athlete living and working in the real world. Name:   Email:…

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