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Masters Mindset Series: Rules for Faster Masters Athletes

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Have you ever found yourself up against life’s clock, wondering if the best years of your athletic pursuits were ticking away? I’m Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation, and I’m here to tell you that the tick-tock of the master’s athlete’s journey can be music to your ears if you play it just right. On the…

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You Are The Final Evil Boss

704 368 Patrick McCrann

Ever feel like you are your own worst enemy? The bad news – it’s 💯 true. The good news – you can flip the tables to your advantage. Unreasonably high personal expectations are one of the biggest things that hold athletes back. There’s a difference between wanting to be your best and setting our sights…

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Key Daily Questions Template

The Key Daily Questions Protocol

800 453 pmacexn

Making smart decisions is the fastest way to see macro level improvements. But what athlete do you know who regularly takes the time to make smart decisions? Yeah, me neither. Making smart decisions requires taking the time to consider the data and research, weighing the pros and cons, and thinking about the long-term implications and potential…

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Your Endurance Change Log

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Coach Patrick reveals his top secret hack for keeping track of all the changes he makes to his training and racing gear.

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Racing Habits that Help

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Coach Patrick continues our exploration of Habits and Race Execution.

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800 800 Patrick McCrann

Coach Patrick reviews the progress of the Habit Project for athletes who have downloaded the free resource and are working to make improvements.

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Join The Endurance Habit Challenge

800 448 Patrick McCrann

This challenge is open for the full month of July (2021) for anyone to make a habit change and earn a chance to win some great swag from our sponsors. What are you waiting for?

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Stacking the Deck

Stacking the Deck In Your Favor Every Training Week

696 452 Patrick McCrann

As obsessed as the average athlete is with data and all their devices, they also have a practically unbreakable habit that negatively impacts their training. Learning to decode this hardwired habit will help you create training momentum and improve your overall training results.  Develop Better Endurance Habits with our Free Guide:  Defining The Problem…

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