Posts Tagged :

heart rate

Race Day Excellence Mastered in High Temperatures

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Is your Ironman race performance being held back by the heat? Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation joins us to share his expert insights on making critical decisions to excel in Ironman races, especially under scorching conditions. Learn how to master the distribution of effort during the swim, optimize positioning, and leverage drafting techniques for an…

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Run Your Best Triathlon: Strategies and Tips

150 150 Patrick McCrann

What if the key to your best triathlon run isn’t about speed, but about avoiding a slowdown? Join us as we unveil crucial strategies for effective run execution that prioritize smart decision-making over sheer hard work or luck. We’ll delve into how your ingrained running identity, often linked to specific race distances and times, can…

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Mastering Endurance Training: Race Selection, Heat Management, and Nutrition Strategies for Success

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Join us for an enlightening discussion on optimizing your endurance training and race preparation in this latest episode. We kick things off by exploring the critical importance of race selection and early planning. Using an example from Liz in Rhode Island, we illustrate how selecting a race well in advance can strategically benefit your training…

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Managing In Season Fatigue

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Coach Patrick covers one of the most challenging aspects of being an endurance athlete managing fatigue.

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Capping Your Heart Rate

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Coach Patrick covers four key reasons why using a heart rate cap, or ceiling is a very effective way to minimize the effect of extreme heat on your race performance.

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Stretching post workout

Recovery Protocols for Time-Crunched Athletes

407 267 Patrick McCrann

  Author’s Note: This blog post is timely because many of the participants in our ENVEREST Challenge Series Need to make sure they are adequately recovering from significant early season training! Most athletes struggle to find the time to actually train. Juggling many responsibilities such as work, family, social life, community responsibilities, make it hard…

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Runners and the Pace Problem

400 343 Patrick McCrann
Runners and the Pace Problem Runners have a pacing problem. At first, tracking run workouts purely by pace and heart rate makes sense, until you breakdown the reasoning behind the metrics. The key to faster running may come down to which metric runners are paying attention to. For years, running pace has been a critical [...]read more

How To Use Resting Heart Rate Metrics To Your Advantage

Mariah Bridges
Utilizing Resting Heart Rate Metrics In the category of training metrics, we might be drastically undervaluing Resting Heart Rate (RHR). You likely use some form of software to track your training, but few of us have a visceral connection to that data. Tracking your RHR is a chance to get a peek as to how [...]read more

The Build Up To Kona: How To Stay On Target

800 548 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach Patrick finishes up his 2018 Kona Race Report Podcast. You can catch Part One here (The Build Up To Kona: How To Train Like A Coach) and find out exactly how the race went, and what adjustments he made in order…

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In-Between-isode Heart Rate as a Training Tool

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another “in-between-isode” podcast. This week Coach Patrick discusses the importance of using Heart Rate as a training tool as you move into the heat of Summer. Key Talking Points include: Winter vs Summer Training When Power/Pace…

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