Posts Tagged :

injury prevention

Why Training Camps Are the Secret Weapon for Endurance Athletes

150 150 Patrick McCrann

If you’re serious about improving your race performance, it’s time to rethink your budget. Many athletes spend thousands of dollars each year on race entries, travel, and gear, yet show up to race day feeling underprepared. The real secret to long-term progress? Investing in training camps. The Hidden Costs of Race-Centric Training Endurance athletes often…

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The OutSeason is Over – Now What?

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Fourteen weeks of grit. Fourteen weeks of pushing limits. Fourteen weeks of showing up, even on the days you didn’t want to. If you just wrapped up your OutSeason, congratulations! Whether it was your first or your fifteenth, you’ve built a foundation that will fuel your season ahead. Now, the next step isn’t more training—it’s strategic recovery. Let’s talk…

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Finishing Strong: Strategies for Late-Season Success

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Ever wondered why simply copying your early-season training plan for a late-season race can sabotage your performance? In this episode, we tackle the critical mistakes athletes make and unveil essential strategies to reach peak performance in your late-season races. We begin by exploring why attempting to replicate your early-season regimen can lead to burnout and…

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Masters Mindset Series: Rules for Faster Masters Athletes

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Have you ever found yourself up against life’s clock, wondering if the best years of your athletic pursuits were ticking away? I’m Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation, and I’m here to tell you that the tick-tock of the master’s athlete’s journey can be music to your ears if you play it just right. On the…

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The Importance of Reflecting on Lessons Learned in Endurance Training

800 531 Patrick McCrann

Dive deep into the world of endurance athletes, exploring the transformative power of self-reflection, tools for peak performance, and strategies to navigate training challenges.

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