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Ironman training

Mont Tremblant Race Report: Trevor Garson, 10:28, 46 minute PR!

150 150 Rich Strauss

Trevor Garson at Ironman® Mont Tremblant My natural tendency is to do these things in near obsessive detail, and it’s frightening to consider that this actually my best attempt to keep it “short” (you don’t even want to see the long version!).  Anyway, without further adieu, my 2012 Mont Tremblant Race Report, also known as…

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Couer d'Alene 2012 Race Report: Robin Clevenger

150 150 Coach P

Overall, I am very happy with my race and with staying inside the box of what I could control. Ultimately, that proved to be a good strategy, since events out of my control pretty much ran the day. The biggest issue I had was getting some pretty severe food poisoning earlier in the week – one whole day…

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Couer d'Alene Race Report: Bart Stevens

150 150 Rich Strauss

Bart Stevens at Ironman® Coeur d’Alene By Bart Stevens Go here to listen to Bart’s race report interview with Coach Rich INTRODUCTION My name is Bart Stevens. I competed in Ironman® Coeur D’Alene 2012. It was my second full Ironman, and my first as a member of Endurance Nation. I have been involved in triathlon…

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Blue Ridge Parkway Day Four Overview

Coach P

  The fourth and final day of the 2012 BRP camp wasn’t that different than days one, two or three. This was due largely in part to the fact that we already rode this course yesterday. But the other part was just as easy to figure out: the roads were quiet and smooth; the views…

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Blue Ridge Parkway Camp: Day Three Overview

150 150 Coach P

  After returning from Front Royal yesterday, today’s course is plotted along the Blue Ridge Parkway. “Only” 85 miles, this route has roughly the same amount of gain as the 104 miles route of the first two days, with one big difference: an 11.5 mile climb of 3300 feet! Breakfast started off just a little…

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Blue Ridge Parkway Day One Overview

Coach P

An Ominous Start to Day One! Today we rode from RockFish Gap to Front Royal, a 104 mile trip. We had seven riders start the day, and even with a switch for some ride-sharing everyone finished strong. You can view the photos online here. Getting Started With our 8am start, the weather was a little…

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Unscientific Markers of Triathlon Training Fatigue

Coach P

If you are a triathlete, odds are you really like to train. For most of us, triathlon isn’t just a hobby, it’s a lifestyle choice. This level of commitment has both Pros and Cons; where you fall on the perspective spectrum is usually a function of how you view your current experience. But for all…

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Fitting FastCamp into an Long Course Season

Rich Strauss

We received an email from an athlete racing Canada and he asked if FastCamp would be appropriate for his season. Rich creates a customized Season Plan and accompanying screencast for all our trial members and TeamEN athletes, so he decided to do the same for this athlete. Season Plan FastCamp –> Canada Season Plan  …

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FastCamp — FREE 8-Week Coached Triathlon Training Program

Coach P

NEW from Endurance Nation, FastCamp is a FREE, limited time only opportunity for you to train with an Endurance Nation training plan under the direct guidance of EN Coaches Rich Strauss and Patrick McCrann. FastCamp beings Monday, March 12 and ends Sunday, May 6th >> Go here to register and to claim your FastCamp slot! Access…

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Four Triathlon Fundamentals Learned from Coaching Thousands of Athletes

150 150 Coach P

It’s Time to Go Back to Tri School — You Ready??? photo credit: mueritz We initially were going to title this post something like: “Everything I’ve Learned About Triathlon Has Come From Coaching Over 5,000 Athletes, Not From A Random Book”  But that wasn’t as catchy and we’re pretty sure no one would read it!…

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