Posts Tagged :

Ironman training

The Long Course Run/Walk?

150 150 Rich Strauss

“Should I walk the aid stations at my next Ironman® run or just run through them?” We’ve been recommending a run/walk strategy for our athletes and at our “Four Keys” pre-race talk for years. It works and these are our thoughts: Run through the aid station to the last water, gel, coke, sportsdrink guy/gal, whatever…

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Endurance Nation Five Keys of Triathlon Coaching, Part I

150 150 Coach P

We’d like to share with you our distilled summary of what triathlon coaching is all about, learned from our nearly 20 years of triathlon coaching, training, and racing experience. Our goal is to make you, our readers and ENFans, a much better self-coached triathlete by sharing with our experience and bringing you several years up…

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The TeamEN Web Platform

150 150 Coach P

You probably know that TeamEN is a team of over 500 half and full Ironman® triathletes. You probably know that we sell training plans and use these plans to coach our athletes. And you likely know that we’ve created a ton of content — videos, podcasts, training articles, etc — to support all of this.…

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