Posts Tagged :

Ironman training

April and Triathlon Cycling

150 150 Rich Strauss

We like our athletes to begin their OutSeason in either late October or early January. Our OutSeason is 14 weeks long and therefore our January OutSeason athletes are just now exiting their OS and beginning to transition towards training for their races this season. Since we founded Endurance Nation in 2007 we’ve seen many, many…

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EN Calculator

Hot off the Press! Powered By Endurance Nation

160 159 Patrick McCrann

Where local meets global Introducing the Powered by Endurance Nation Program Endurance Nation rolls out their Powered by EN program for local triathlon clubs. This program will allow triathlon clubs of all sizes to use the already proven resources of the 3x Ironman® Tri Club Global Champions and Official Coaching Program of Revolution3 Triathlon. As a Powered…

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Five Triathlon Season Planning Tips from Endurance Nation

800 800 Rich Strauss

I’m the “Season Planning Coach” on the team, responsible for outlining the training of our athletes depending on the flow of their races across the year. As such, I’m frequently mentoring our athletes on proper selection of races and giving them a macro view of their race calendar. Below are my tips for you, to…

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Top 5 Articles of 2015

800 61 Coach P

  As 2015 is in our rear view mirror and 2016 is full of exciting promises, it is only natural to reflect. It has been an honor to provide the endurance community with new in sites, articles and tips on how to become a better athlete, for that, we thank you! Here is our Top…

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Who Is Racing What?

Coach P

  One of the best things about Endurance Nation is being able to virtually train with hundreds of people all over the world. Then on race day, racing with all your teammates! Here are some of the races you will see EN staff racing at this year. We would love to see you competing along…

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Triathlete Holiday Wish List [Sponsor Edition]

150 150 Coach P

Want to get the amazing sponsorship discounts listed below and over twenty others? Join Endurance Nation for your triathlon coaching and Become a Team Member! Please visit all our sponsors on social media for more amazing articles, ideas and information on upcoming events and products! 1. REV3 Races  Number 1 on our list as REV3 has…

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Race Weekend Spotlight: End of Season Races

Coach P

  Endurance Nation racing season has come to an end and we are thrilled with everyones performances. Congratulations to the team on a fantastic year filled with podium finishers, first timers, veterans, PR’s, lessons learned and memories across the board. Ironman® Arizona 3rd Place Tri Club 46358 Points  — Special Congrats to:  David Ware – 40AG…

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Training Plan Sale: Save 20% on NEW 2016 OutSeason Training Plans

150 150 Rich Strauss

Since 2005, OutSeason training has been at the core of the breakthrough triathlon performances we help our athletes achieve: After a brief transition period at the end of their season, TeamEN athletes turn towards making themselves faster 5k, 10, or half marathon runners and 40k time trial cyclists. We do this through relatively low volume, high…

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Race Weekend Spotlight Oct 9-11 & Oct 16-18 2015

Coach P

  Ironman® Louisville: 1st Place, Division 1 with 46,507 points scored – special congratulations to: Jordan Marchewka 1st Ironman 11:31 Danielle Santucci 11:30 Jay Reville 1st Ironman 11:48 Stephan W Brunelle 11:45 with a 21 minute PR Paul Hough 11:41 Roy Ezell 12:48 Ironman® 70.3 Arizona Ironman® World Championship: – special congratulations to: Teri Cashmore 11:59 Tim Cronk 11:54 Doug Herr…

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Coach Rich – What I Learned During the 2015 Triathlon Season

150 150 Rich Strauss

This post was originally written internally for our members. I’m sharing it with the rest of the triathlon world, to give some insights. Enjoy! ++++++++ Ironman Chattanooga is in the books, leaving just Kona on the ’15 race calendar, with regards to how RnP like to divide up our planning year. That is, we’ve historically…

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