Posts Tagged :

race report

Race Results Update – July 11, 2012

150 150 Coach P

Race reports since our last late June update are below. 22 races and a 45% PR rate! Members, don’t forget to let us know where you’ve been racing by adding your info here. If you’d like to join our age group members in training to be your best, please Become a Team Member or consider…

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TeamEN vs Texas 2012

Coach P

  Texas 2012 turned out to be a solid day, despite multiple race week events. From moving finishlines (WTC) to daily temperature updates for the lake (wetsuit legal?) to the almost nonexistent winds (they came back), there was lots to talk about. At the end of the day, Endurance Nation put three athletes on their…

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Lake Placid 2011 Race Report

150 150 Coach P

Lake Placid is officially done, and I can say that I am officially “back” from my accident of last year. The details are below, but the executive summary is as follows. A 9:56:38 finishing time, for my first effort below 10 hours. A 1:07:48 non-wetsuit swim, a 5:18:36 bike and a 3:22:43 run…all of this combined to give me a 5 minute PR for the course, 5th in the 35-39 Age Group and my fourth trip to Kona. Life is officially good.

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Assessing Your Long Course Race Using the Four Keys Approach

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Endurance Nation has been promoting its Four Keys of Ironman Execution for several years now. Our macro level approach to organizing your expectations and managing your day has proven successful for thousands of Ironman athletes across the globe. We get e-mails and feedback all the time, and nowhere is the success of the system more apparent than at the finish line. Learn how you can use the same approach to evaluate your race and find out how you truly performed outside of the finishing time.

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IMUSA 2010 Race Report Podcast Series

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TeamEN had 30 athletes on the course last weekend. Many of them are eager to tell their stories and we present them here to you in a consolidated blog post. Be sure to check back frequently as this will be updated over the coming weeks!

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