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DIY TRI Complete

Crushing The 2020 D.I.Y. TRI

500 181 Patrick McCrann

  So proud to be able to write this post in the middle of DIY TRI week here at Endurance Nation. What started off as a fun idea has quickly become an event that has inspired and connected over 100 athletes. I want to thank our members for the suggestion and support over the last…

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Fitness vs Focus Matrix

Virtual Challenge Madness (and How to Use it to Your Advantage)

550 538 Patrick McCrann

  The surge of virtual online challenges threatens to disrupt the overall athletic progression required to be a successful endurance athlete. Real world races already have an existing hierarchy and precedence for each type of athlete. Digital challenges are the new wild West. From the Ironman Virtual Club to the Quarantine Backyard Ultra to virtual…

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How to race in the wind

How to Race in the Wind

800 800 Mariah Bridges

  Racing the Elements: How to race in the wind   Battling the elements on race day is another added layer of education that always seems to give athletes an extra pause. We know how to swim, bike and run, but what about in wind, rain, dark, heat…. whatever Mother Nature throws at us? Join Coach…

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Cozumel Race Report: A Lesson in Building Speed Through the Years

800 533 Patrick McCrann

Have you ever noticed those last stubborn 5lbs you might want to skim, can be the peskiest to drop? The same can be for a personal record in your sports performance.  Sometimes, the longer you are in a sport or the more elite you are, the more difficult personal records can become. A thirteen-minute personal…

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Race Execution and Proper Marathon Pacing

800 600 Mariah Bridges

  After months of training and countless miles, your race is here. Hundreds of hours of hard work all come down to one day and 26.2 miles. Yet after juggling workouts, recovery, managing your commitments, and making nuanced adjustments to your nutrition, the most common race strategy is practically no strategy at all: 1 —…

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A World Championship Personal Record: Gear, Guide and Breakdown

800 450 Mariah Bridges

Overview This year was a personal best year for me here in Kona. The conditions for the swim and bike were ideal; allowing me to better handle the run. My goal was to be able to “run the run” here on the Big Island; by that, I meant sub-3:30. I ran 3:30 on the nose,…

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Racing in the Heat [Inbetween-isode]

503 439 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P dives into another special “inbetween-isode” to discuss some lessons learned from coaching athletes through the day at Ironman® Boulder. The heat and altitude combined to create some seriously tough conditions, but not everything is out of your control. Key Talking…

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Winter Training to Hawaii Qualification

450 600 Patrick McCrann

  Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach Patrick interviews Matt Limbert on his recent qualification for Ironman® World Championship at Ironman® Santa Rosa. New to the M45-49 group, Matt placed 6th and got the first roll down slot after a very well-executed day. Key Talking Points include: – How…

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The Strategy, Skill and Lessons from Racing Back-to-Back-to-Back

587 384 Patrick McCrann

When I decided to tackle Ironman Cabo just four weeks after the World Championships, my goal was to carry my fitness forward in order to earn another spot to Hawaii. I was disappointed with my performance on the Big Island and wanted a second shot. This was to be my 25th Ironman® race, and I…

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Episode #648 – 10 Lessons Learned in 1 Ironman

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P dives into his race experience at Ironman® Mont Tremblant, pulling out the big lessons learned that made a huge difference on race day. – Read the [ full race report here]( – Listen to the [ pre-race podcast here]( – Share…

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