Posts Tagged :

rest and recovery

The Three Pillars of a Breakthrough Season: Rest, Adventure, and the OutSeason Grind

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Let me ask you something: Are you training to check boxes… or are you training to win? I don’t mean “win” as in a podium finish (though hey, if that’s your goal, I’m here for it). I mean win as in showing up on race day stronger, sharper, and more confident than you’ve ever been. Because the truth…

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Transform Your Off-Season: Master High-Intensity Training with Coach Patrick

150 150 Patrick McCrann

Is it time to rethink your off-season training strategy? Discover how our Outseason Training Program defies the conventional approach of low-intensity, high-volume workouts by focusing on high-intensity sessions that build critical fitness and mental toughness. Led by Coach Patrick, we explore the transformative power of shorter, more intense workouts and the crucial role of rest…

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How to Taper with Intent

150 150 Coach P

As the early big races of the season are approaching, it’s time to once again consider perhaps the hardest part of your training: the taper. While almost every triathlete has heard of tapering, very few actually get it right. This article has two goals: to help you understand your personal needs and cues for tapering based on your event, and to give you active steps you can take to implement your taper.

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