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Four Secrets of the Long Course Swim Revealed

150 150 Rich Strauss

BOOM! And so begins perhaps the most unique spectacle in all of endurance sports — the Ironman swim start. Nearly 2500 bodies and 5000 arms and legs churning the water to start a 140.6 mile day. Below are our tips for surviving, and excelling at, the Ironman swim.

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Four Secrets of the Long Course Swim Revealed

150 150 Rich Strauss

BOOM! And so begins perhaps the most unique spectacle in all of endurance sports — the Ironman swim start. Nearly 2500 bodies and 5000 arms and legs churning the water to start a 140.6 mile day. Below are our tips for surviving, and excelling at, the Ironman swim.

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Off-Season Guidance

150 150 Coach P

Now is often the time of year when athletes begin planning their training time in preparation for next season’s goals. Motivation levels may be running low, with many athletes experiencing mental fatigue after a long season of focused training. Or motivation may be high, as athletes have seen a glimpse of what can be possible…

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Improving Your Swim Technique

150 150 Coach P

I’ve got news for you. The former swimmers in the triathlon community are sandbagging. We have formed a conspiracy to keep swim splits ridiculously slow, compared to what we could do “back in the day.” We can do this because we have a stroke and you don’t. If you guys spent as much money improving…

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Off-Season Swimming Thoughts

150 150 Coach P

For years we’ve been advising our athletes to swim less, or not all, during the off-season. We are not “anti-swimming.” Rather we want you to carefully consider your return on race day for every training minute, and dollar, you spend across the year. Our advice below is then based on our observations We’ve found that…

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