Posts Tagged :

training zones

Why Early-Season Testing Is the Secret to Your Best Race Year Yet

150 150 Patrick McCrann

The One Thing Most Athletes Ignore It’s early in the season, and everyone is buzzing about race plans, big goals, and training volume. There’s talk of new gear, epic workouts, and dream finish times. But there’s one conversation most athletes aren’t having—testing. That’s right. While race day might feel far away, functional testing is the key to unlocking your best season…

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ENPodcast – Your Half Marathon Test

200 134 Patrick McCrann

  Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P discusses why the Half Marathon is one of the most important “non-important” races of your season. You’ll not only confirm your fitness, you’ll have a much better sense of what your true in-season run potential is! **Why Test…

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