Posts Tagged :

triathlon training

TeamEN vs IMAZ: Weekend Recap, Results and Race Reports

150 150 Coach P

Arizonawas the last official IM race appearance for the EN coaches and the next-to-last Ironman® on the ’10 calendar. TeamEN had nearly 20 athletes racing in Tempe. A few of the members arrived on Wednesday and Thursday, and met to preview the bike course and organized their own cocktail hour at Rula Bula in downtown…

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TeamEN on Twitter This Week

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Here is another weekly installment of updates from our Team members who use Twitter. If you’d like to be considered, be sure to write really cool or witty stuff and include the hashtag “#workworks” into your tweets! Go Nation, Go!

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Wisconsin Tri-Rally 2010: Preview

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This weekend we offer the Ironman community an opportunity to train and learn on the Ironman Wisconsin course under the guidance of Endurance Nation coach Rich Strauss. Rich will be on hand to lead the weekend for over 100 (!) athletes.

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Triathlon, the Tri-Rally and the Case for More Free Stuff

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This weekend in Lake Placid, something very unique is going to happen. Over fifty triathletes from across the US are going to come together for three days of training and learning. There will be TT bikes, road bikes, wetsuits and running shoes. Coaches and newbies. Spandex and sunglasses. But one thing will be conspicuously absent: money. This camp is 100% free.

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Four Keys of Race Execution

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It’s June of 2010, and it’s time to mark the 2.5 year anniversary of our ground-breaking race execution guidance. What started as an article after Ironman Florida in 2007 has now evolved into a true movement. Ironman and Half Iron triathletes of all ability levels are taking advantage of our proven race guidance achieving incredible results!

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Race 101 Seminar Series, by

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With our Four Keys DVD, Ironman® Course Talks, Power Webinar,, and a TeamEN coach at every US Ironman, Endurance Nation is widely regarded as the go-to resource for Ironman® race day excution guidance. We’ve taken all of our experience and packaged it into an 8-lesson detailed online course. This is a more detailed version…

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Finding Your Triathlon DNA

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Triathlon is an incredibly socially-motivated sport. The values and input of our peers play a significant role in terms of how we as triathletes train and race…almost to a fault. There’s nothing wrong with trying to keep up with Mr. or Mrs. Jones, but if you are going to be a successful triathlete, you’ll need to find your own path.

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How to Taper with Intent

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As the early big races of the season are approaching, it’s time to once again consider perhaps the hardest part of your training: the taper. While almost every triathlete has heard of tapering, very few actually get it right. This article has two goals: to help you understand your personal needs and cues for tapering based on your event, and to give you active steps you can take to implement your taper.

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Running a Faster Long Course Marathon, Part III: Running More Efficiently

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Let’s talk about going faster with less effort…but first…a disclaimer: The topic of running efficiency is a currently a hot one. Google “Pose Method, “Chi Running,” “barefoot running,” “Born to Run,” “Newton shoes,” etc and you’ll be led to books, articles, links and studies espousing this, that and the other theory about how to run…

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Running a Faster Long Course Marathon, Part I: Introduction

150 150 Coach P

Coach Rich at Coeur d’Alene'08 The Ironman® run course is where PR hopes and dreams go to die a painful death. The course is littered with the bodies of very fit people who’ve done all the right training, or so they think, but who slow down dramatically on the run. In our opinion, traditional Ironman®…

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