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Race a triathlon in the rain

Racing a Triathlon in the Rain

800 800 Mariah Bridges

  Racing the Elements: How to Race in the Rain   Racing a triathlon in the rain is one of the major nature elements we all fear. Not only are there massive safety concerns, but, what about gear? How will the roads be affected? So many questions can turn any triathlete into a ball of…

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Is triathlon recovery important

How Important is Recovery for Endurance Athletes?

800 800 Mariah Bridges

How Important is Recovery for Endurance Athletes? Building recovery time into any endurance program is extremely important and now seen as just as important as swimming, biking, running and strength training. During recovery, your body adapts to the stress of exercise and real training effect takes place. Recovery time allows the body to replenish energy…

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racing a triathlon in the heat

How to Race a Triathlon in the Heat

800 800 Mariah Bridges

  Racing the Elements: How to Race in the Heat   Triathlon racing season spans all of the seasons, which means, all kinds of weather. Nothing seems to bring on the grunts more like racing in the heat. Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P pushes onwards…

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How to race in the wind

How to Race in the Wind

800 800 Mariah Bridges

  Racing the Elements: How to race in the wind   Battling the elements on race day is another added layer of education that always seems to give athletes an extra pause. We know how to swim, bike and run, but what about in wind, rain, dark, heat…. whatever Mother Nature throws at us? Join Coach…

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Ironman Boulder Winner

The First Time Triathlon Age Group Winner Feeling

800 800 Mariah Bridges

The First Time Age Group Winner Feeling: Kami Banks at Ironman Boulder We all know the feeling of setting a goal. We make a plan, we work the plan. More often than not the fruits of that discipline is a goal met. However, sometimes, there are a lot of outside forces that take away from…

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The Evolution of Endurance Safety: RoadID Interview

800 800 Mariah Bridges

  The Evolution of Endurance Safety with RoadID Safety is a growing concern in endurance sports. From road hazards to distracted drivers, safety has never been more important. The evolution of endurance safety can not only help us see how far we have come but also see where we are going. Join Coach Patrick from…

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how to train for a triathlon swim

Solving for the Triathlon Swim: Reducing Risk

798 800 Patrick McCrann

Solving the triathlon swim puzzle can seem like a daunting task. Another season, and more news of tragic deaths in the swim portion of an Ironman® event. Without a doubt, participating in endurance events brings risks and challenges beyond what the average middle-aged person experiences on a daily basis. While tragedy can strike at any…

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Nuun Hydration

The Science of Hydration: A NUUN Story

800 800 Mariah Bridges

  The Science of Hydration: A Nuun Story This week on the Endurance Nation podcast, we chat about the science behind hydration, and who better to school us than the CEO of Nuun Hydration, Kevin Rutherford and Vishal Patel, the master behind the science team at Nuun. Hydration is an essential factor in lubricating joints, regulating body temperature…

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Mid Season Gear Check In

800 800 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach Patrick breaks down one of the most important parts of your season. No, it’s not race week…or how to taper — it’s how to manage your gear across a long season so that you don’t get screwed just when it’s time…

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Overcoming Triathlon Burn Out

600 600 Patrick McCrann

Join Coach Patrick from Endurance Nation ( for another weekly endurance podcast. This week Coach P interviews member Patrick Large on his transition from Triathlete to UltraRunner. We all walk our own path in the endurance world. When Patrick’s work to him abroad, he struggled without the amazing triathlon community that exists in Arizona! ????  After…

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