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Ironman® Texas Virtual Four Keys

709 381 Mariah Bridges

Your Best Texas — A Race Execution Seminar by Endurance Nation With all the uncertainty leading up to race day, cross “how to execute my race” off your list! More than 6,000 Ironman® finishes since 2010. More than 30 Ironman® finishes between the coaches. We have raced in Kona a combined nine times. We know a bit about racing…

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April and Triathlon Cycling

150 150 Rich Strauss

We like our athletes to begin their OutSeason in either late October or early January. Our OutSeason is 14 weeks long and therefore our January OutSeason athletes are just now exiting their OS and beginning to transition towards training for their races this season. Since we founded Endurance Nation in 2007 we’ve seen many, many…

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The Team @ Training Camp

Beginner Ironman® Section 1.1 – Picking Your First Race

624 438 Coach P

This article is part of a new beginner’s series. Click here to find more articles from this series. A lot of people have a finish line in mind — they are thinking about what it means to put their arms in the air. Maybe they’re a jumper, or maybe they want to roll on the…

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Triathletes: Stop Base Training

150 150 Rich Strauss

“Base Training” is a common theme in the triathlon world, especially in the November through about March time frame. This is how the season of most triathletes shakes out: After their final races of the year, triathletes often take a significant time away from training, losing a great deal of that end-of-season fitness. Improving or…

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EN Calculator

Hot off the Press! Powered By Endurance Nation

160 159 Patrick McCrann

Where local meets global Introducing the Powered by Endurance Nation Program Endurance Nation rolls out their Powered by EN program for local triathlon clubs. This program will allow triathlon clubs of all sizes to use the already proven resources of the 3x Ironman® Tri Club Global Champions and Official Coaching Program of Revolution3 Triathlon. As a Powered…

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EN “Teacher Workdays”

Patrick McCrann

Endurance Nation “Teacher Workdays” While you may understand that a lot of hard work goes into being a triathlon coach, it is just as hard to keep a triathlon coaching business moving forward. In addition to the weekly team meetings we have inside Endurance Nation, we recently added what our Marketing Director, Mariah, affectionaly calls…

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Five Triathlon Season Planning Tips from Endurance Nation

800 800 Rich Strauss

I’m the “Season Planning Coach” on the team, responsible for outlining the training of our athletes depending on the flow of their races across the year. As such, I’m frequently mentoring our athletes on proper selection of races and giving them a macro view of their race calendar. Below are my tips for you, to…

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2016 January Volume Camp Day Three Recap

240 120 Coach P

Plan for the day was a swim followed by a bike ride. Due to inclement weather on Friday (Day One), we moved the long the long ride back to today. So what was meant to be a lighter day was going to be one of the stronger ones…and we all knew it.

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2016 January Volume Camp Day Two Recap

150 150 Coach P

We awoke this morning feeling pretty good about the fact that yesterday we couldn’t ride a century due to the weather. Get a nice balance of swim, bike, and run… But today was all about the bike. Before we could begin, several of the campers decided to get in the short run.

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#ENTriChat — How to Plan your Race Season

Coach P

  #ENTriChat — How to Plan your Race Season  With Sponsor — Revolution3 Triathlon What IS a Twitter Chat? A Twitter chat is where a group of Twitter users meet at a predetermined time to discuss a certain topic, using a designated hashtag(#) for each tweet contributed.  Imagine a business networking event—but without a dress…

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