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Trial Membership Update

150 150 Coach P

While we are preparing for a long for a long weekend of supporting nearly 40 TeamEN athletes at IMWI, we wanted to give you, our readers, an update on our trial membership opportunity: Next Wednesday, September 15th,  we will issue invitations to our ENFans to create a free 14-day trial membership to TeamEN. You must…

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Canada Results and Testimonials

150 150 Coach P

Thirteen TeamEN athletes raced Canada last week. Below are their results, as well as a few race report excerpts and testimonials from our Race Report forum: Chris Whyte — 10:09:37,  Kona David Tall0 — 10:11:05 Tavis Yueng — 11:58:32 Wayne Young — 11:59:16 Graig Harris — 12:00:53 Barry Plaga — 12:20:53 Alessandro Commodari — 12:31:56…

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TeamEN vs Wisconsin: Meet the Team

150 150 Rich Strauss

On September 12, 38 TeamEN athletes will put months of hard work to the test at Ironman® Wisconsin. Most notably, 22 “EN Chickas” will be racing! What started out as a bet between Coach Rich and the gals has turned into an incredible movement, complete with a Moo Jo and 10-12 male members of EN…

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Louisville 2010 Report Part Two: Results and Testimonials

150 150 Coach P

We appreciate your patience as we update you on our Team’s performance, first with pictures and video (with more on our Facebook page), then with our Race Report Podcast Series, and now with their Ironman Louisville results and some excerpts from their race reports in our members-only forum.

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IRONMAN® Wisconsin: the Complete Race Breakdown, by Endurance Nation

150 150 Rich Strauss

Endurance Nation has a long history on the Ironman® Wisconsin course: Coach Rich raced the event in ’02, ’04, and ’11, with a PR of 10:05, has conducted 10 training camps on the course, has been on hand for the race pretty much every year, and has coached hundreds to the Wisconsin finish line.  Finally TeamEN has…

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Team EN vs Louisville 2010: Meet The Athletes

150 150 Coach P

On August 29th, almost 20 TeamEN athletes will put months of hard work to the test at Ironman Louisville. It will be hot, it will be difficult and they will be challenged. But these folks are ready. Let’s take a minute to get to know the people behind the names and bib numbers…it’s a great bunch that we can’t wait to support on race day!

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Stacking EN Training Plans Across Your Season

150 150 Rich Strauss

[box]Please Note: This guidance is for our 2012 or EARLIER OutSeason® Training Plans. The 2013 OutSeason® plans are 14-weeks long and do not follow this template.  [/box]Our OS Seminar and recent series in the blog have solicited several emails from training plan customers, inquiring about how to stack our plans across a season. Let’s discuss: The…

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Team EN: The Week in Twitter (8/9)

150 150 Coach P

Every week TeamEN members and ENFans connect online via Twitter by including the hashtag #workworks to highlight their tweets. Feel free to join in and stay up to date or just review the highlights below!

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Louisville Complete Race Breakdown

150 150 Coach P

With Louisville just around corner, athletes competing in the event are eager to learn more about the course and how to approach race day given the unique characteristics of the event: a time trial swim start, moderately hilly bike course, and the potential for a very hot race day. Here are some additional resources for…

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ENFans: We want to give you a FREE Four Keys DVD!

150 150 Coach P

It’s been a great summer connecting with so many of you at our free Ironman USA and Wisconsin Tri-Rallies and at the races! Your gratitude has been very powerful for us, as coaches and leaders, and we have decided to significantly turn up the volume of our FREE vibe by giving every single one of you a FREE Four Keys DVD for being an ENFan!

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