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Cycling 2.0 — Training & Racing with Power (Meet Up)

150 150 Coach P

Where: TriFitLab, 337 Water Street, Warren, RI 02885 (view map); Phone: 401-289-2850 When: Monday March 1st, 2010 at 7pm RSVP: [email protected] or via Facebook Join elite triathlon coach Patrick McCrann for a powerful seminar on how to take your cycling game to the next level with a powermeter. In addition to discussing the various powermeter…

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Your Fitness Is Like Water

150 150 Coach P

Coach Patrick outlines why having a plan is only a small part of being a self-coached triathlete…it’s how you manage your body’s response to the training that separates you from the pack. How well do you know your body’s signals for fatigue? Impending breakthrough? Learning to know yourself is a distinct competitive advantage.

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Meet Team Endurance Nation — Pam Kassner

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Meet The Team: Pam Kassner Coach Patrick talks to Pam about her plan for IM Wisconsin, her cycling hubby, how Ironman® inspired her to start her own company and much more. Inspirational and fun to listen to…a can’t miss episode! Click Here to Download the File

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Marathons and Triathlon Training

150 150 Coach P

* Marathon training then creates some significant opportunity costs for the triathlete looking to become a faster triathlete

1. At some point marathon training begins to compromise get-faster-on-the-bike training.
2. Marathon training, in my experience, is not the best and most time efficient tool to make someone a faster runner, to lift their VDot. Stronger, more durable, can go longer…yes…but for me that’s what we do in the last 16wks or so before an IM. Before that we focus on making you faster.
3. The net is that you don’t really get that much faster at either: your marathon training isn’t super great cuz you’ve still got your triathlete hat on = riding a bike, etc. And your bike doesn’t get much faster because you’re having to compromise your bike training because of all the marathon running you’re doing.

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Train Like A Beginner; Don't Think Like One

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This post is part of a new series of articles exploring core elements of the Endurance Nation team and training concept. With over 400 members from all walks of life and levels of experience, Endurance Nation has a veritable repository of triathlon training and racing experience. Our goal is to highlight common elements we all share as triathletes, as well as place the spotlight on some of our most powerful member groups such as our 50+ “boomer” clan and of course the incredibly powerful women’s vibe.

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