We are now in full swing for the summer race season! The first summer Ironman® distance race for TeamEN is IM Coeur d’Alene led by our very own Tucker McKeever and Race Captain with Peter Giesin as Assistant Race Captain. This group has been fired up for months and they are more than ready to tear the course up.
Here are 24 bios and just a sample of the almost 40 racers who will be representing TeamEN this year.
Race Captain
This is my fourth season of triathlon and second with EN. Got started in triathlon by watching Kona while drinking beers, go figure, and decided why not. And here I am now. Can’t be all bad as I guess I’ve lost close to 30 lbs doing this stuff.
CDA will be my first Ironman. I have a time goal but really just want to finish happy. I’ll be bringing my lovely wife Elizabeth as well as my two daughters Meredith and Chelsea along with me to cheer us on. Probably the part I am most excited for is having Coach Rich stay with us. He’s gonna be my personal beer fetcher!
Assistant Race Captain
Hey Gang! I am Peter Giesin, a newbie to the triathlon world. However at 43 years old I have been around the block a few times. I currently live in Piscataway, NJ with my wife, Michele, my 11 year old son, Jackson and my 6 year old daughter, Jorja. I have been the owner of a boutique software development firm for the past 13 years. The sedentary, yet stressful nature of the job lead me to the world of running and biking.
I joined EN 3 years ago to help me prepare for the American Zofigen Long Course Duathlon, which I successfully completed in 10:38. I then caught the EN bug and decided to attempt a triathlon. IM Coeur d’Alene will not only be my first Ironman, but also my first triathlon! Nuts right? Well I believe in the EN people and philosophy so much that I have just signup for my 2nd Ironman® in 2012 one week before I have even attempted my first.
Outside of the triathlon world I spend most of my time enjoying life with my wonderful wife. Who, unlike many wives that simply “endure” the life of an Ironman, actually encourages and supports my madness. Without her none of this would be possible.
Women 50-54
I live in Golden, Colorado with my husband and two wonderful German Shepherd dogs. I am an RN and work in a busy operating room at an orthopedic specialty hospital. My husband of 20 years is my training partner and we do all of our Ironman® races together. This will be our 7th Ironman® and 4th Ironman® Coeur d’Alene. I was hoping to set a PR this year using the EN training plan, but a running injury sidelined me until about 2 months ago. I am not sure how things are going to pan out, but I will be adhering to the EN principles and am very excited to meet the coaches and EN team members!
My name is Steve Swanlund, I live in Washington state. 3 years ago I was 60 lbs overweight with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and working on pre-diabetes, suffered from sleep apnea, and other maladies associated with a crappy lifestyle. I woke up one morning and decided I was going to fix it so I signed up for a full marathon 9 months away. I started training, but 6 weeks later I was in a high speed motorcycle accident, to recover from that I couldn’t run so I swam and rode the spin bike. By the the time I was able to run again I had some swim and bike fitness so I decided to start doing triathlons. By the time the marathon came around I wasn’t able to get my long run mileage up to a marathon so I opted for the 1/2 marathon and finished in 2:06:XX. That year I did 3 olympic tri’s and ended the year with a half iron distant race. The following year was all 70.3® races (4)- Boise, Chelanman, Lake Stevens, and Silverman. Since starting this lifestyle makeover, my wife runs half marathons, my son (13) now runs half marathons and my daughter (24) is running her first marathon this year with me in Portland in October. 2011 is the year of the Ironman, I will do Coeur d’Alene and Arizona, along with Chelanman 70.3® and Lake Stevens 70.3. My goal since I started all this mayhem was to make it to Kona by the time I am 50, I’m 45 this year so RnP you have less than 5 years to show me what I have to do to make there.
Really looking forward to meeting everyone. I am from Littleton, Colorado, and although I have plenty of people I could train with, I find myself training on my own most of the time due to my crazy schedule. The EN way has saved me this year. CDA will be my first IM distance race. I have done two HIM before (Boulder 70.3® 2010 and Oceanside 70.3® 2011), but am finding that this is a big jump in distance. I am a pediatrician in private practice with a few too many volunteer jobs on the side. I am married with two teenage sons (Nick – 16 and Sam – 14) who will all be coming to the race. My mother will also be coming. I will not be staying with them however, as I will be staying in a rental home with two college friends who are also racing. Please give me a high five on the course, I’m going to need all the encouragement I can get!!
This will be the 20th IM I’ve entered since Y2K, but I’m approaching it differently than all the rest. After a devastating bike accident three weeks before an IM last September, I’m still recovering my strength and fitness. IM CDA 2011, my 9th time on that course (all of them!), for me will be a celebration of my ongoing recovery and ability to simply swim, bike and run once again. Finishing and finding out how far I’ve come in the past nine months are my goals. I’ve surprised all my doctors up to now, and I want to bring home more than just a finisher’s medal to show them the fruits of their efforts, but, really, I’ll be happy just to be there, and get out of the water still moving on race day morning!
My name is Steve Anderson and Ironman® Coeur d’Alene will be my 4th triathlon, and my first Ironman. I have done the Rhode Island 70.3, the New Orleans 70.3, the Austin 70.3, and the Memphis in May/Ironman® 5150 Series Olympic Tri previously, with only the first (Rhode Island) being raced under the Endurance Nation umbrella. I am married to Ashlea, who has gotten into triathlon herself, and have a daughter, Addy Grace, who is 3 years old. I am a HUGE fan of EN and the ‘EN way’ and am a shameless promoter for our network! I, like so many others, am dying to get to Kona, just once, by way of legitimate qualification. I hope that 2012 will be my year to make that happen!
My name is Dave Sacoman. I have been racing triathlon for seven years now and Coeur d’Alene will be my fourth IM. I am supported by a wonderful wife and two college age boys. I am an a 44 year old airline pilot and have been able to train quite a bit this year. I live in Albuquerque and other than the wind the weather has excellent for training this spring. I am a very new member and was drawn to EN by the four keys which I found very insightful. I cannot wait to make it work for me on race day.
I am Joshua Pettit from South Jordan, UT. I am an entreprenuer by nature and father of 5 ranging from 2 years old to 12 years old. I started in triathlon with my brother, and reminiscent of our youth swimming team and biking around town. This is my 5th triathlon season, and 3rd Ironman® (Florida ’09, St George ’10). I have been a club officer with Desert Sharks Triathlon club for the past 3 years. EN has raised the intensity for sure, and forced accountablility for pace and power. With a little luck from the tri gods, I hope to really push the 20 watts FTP, 3 points vDot, 15″/100y faster, 8 lbs lighter, 3% bodyfat leaner, Drinkin the EN Koolaid new self to a nice PR!
IMCdA will be my 7th IM, but only the 4th since joining EN. This will be my 1st time racing at CdA and I am looking forward to testing myself on the challenging course. This race also has the added bonus that I will be racing with my kid brother and EN fan, Carlos, who is attempting his 1st Ironman® distance event. I live in Los Angeles, born/raised/educated. I have a Medical degree and will add a biology Ph.D. this coming academic year. My goals for CdA are to enjoy the day, follow the EN four keys, enjoy the day, and RUN TOUGH. Best wishes to TEAM EN athletes and supporters on race day.
This is my 4th year doing triathlons and this will be my second go around at Coeur d’Alene. In late 2006, I was busy with work and being an active father of two young daughters. I totally lost focus on my health and the dream I had of doing an Ironman® someday. That changed in November 2006, when I decided things were going to change. I got healthy. I started running with the goal of running a marathon in 2007 and then maybe an Ironman® after that. In 2007, I lost 60 Ibs and ran both the Portland and Seattle marathons. Also in 2007, a friend gave me a written version of the Four Keys lecture and convinced me to sign up for Coeur d’Alene 2009. I loosely used the EN model and finished in 12:32. My goal for this year’s race is to go under 12 hours using the tools I received in the haus and have as much fun as I can doing it.
Hey Team – I’m from Randolph, NJ (30 miles west of NYC), work as a consultant and enjoy the adventures of my 2 high school sons. Coeur d’Alene will be my first full IM and I’m in my 3rd season of Tri racing. What got me into this crazy sport….Well on Feb. 13th, 2007, I broke my neck skiing in Switzerland. Luckily, no spinal cord damage, and while lying on the couch recovering, like others before, I saw a replay of Kona and made a promise to do an Ironman that day. It’s been a journey to get here, but it’s been great. I even helped get my brother Bruce into tri’s and he’s doing Coeur d’Alene as well… Thanks to everyone in EN for all your wisdom – been a great decision to join!
I was born and raised in the greater Seattle area and now live and work in the city of Seattle. I work as a structural engineer where I get to design new buildings as well as evaluate existing buildings for structural integrity. I enjoy living near my parents, Mark and Marsha, who will be joining me in Coeur d’Alene as well as my brother and sister-in-law, Brandon and Lindsay, who won’t be able to make it due to being almost 9 months pregnant with my first niece Zane.
I started doing triathlons in 2008 with Sprint and Olympic distance races, after which I was pretty much hooked. The following year I completed my first HIM and then this past year did Ironman Florida, which was my first full IM. My only goal for Florida was to finish, which I did, but due to nutritional issues ended up walking most of the marathon and finished in 16:36. This has been my first season training with EN and it has completely redefined in my mind what it really means to work hard in my training. I am looking forward to a great race at Coeur d’Alene and hopefully setting a big PR.
Hi. I am Rob Price, am 44 years old, and live in Richmond, Virginia, with my wife Georgia and two daughters Samantha (11) and Gabriella (7). I started doing triathlons in 1990, and in the process, met my wife and later proposed to her during a triathlon in 1991. In 1995, after starting a new job and moving to San Francisco, competing in triathlons took a backseat to LIFE, which included many highlights like the birth of my daughters; job transfer to Fairfax, Virginia; and then being promoted and transferring to Richmond, Virginia. In 2008, after running my second marathon, I decided to start training for triathlons again. It was amazing how much had changed (from wetsuits to bikes to running shoes and everything in between) during my 13-year “hiatus.” I have since finished numerous sprints, olympics, and HIMs and last year decided that I wanted the challenge of training for and finishing an Ironman. I heard about EN, quickly joined, and feel that EN has helped prepare me for Ironman® Coeur d’Alene. I would like to thank my wife and two daughters for their unwavering and unbelievable support and motivation during this entire training process.
Born and raised in England. Graduated from London University (math). Worked all round the world in senior management positions with Ciba-Geigy / Novartis. Spun off a medical research company in Atlanta in 1999. Very happily married to Louise (mad about tennis). 3 children. 4 grand children.
I was a keen squash player for many years. Started marathoning when I was 50; did Boston. I learnt to “swim” at 59. Louise bought my first bike for me at 60. And I have been hooked ever since. I just love training with “the young crowd”. I have completed 3 IMs (FL, CH and ChesapeakeMan) and several HIMs (podium: Gulf Coast, New Orleans, Florida). DNF’d at CDA last year. It will not happen again!! I have learnt so much about endurance racing since joining EN, I wonder how I ever managed to finish any race. It’s been a great year training with you all.
St. Louis, MO married with two kids. CDA will be my first full IM, last year did HIM Kansas and Branson with bike issues on both (crack found in the frame prior to the first to had to swap out to road bike and rear derailleur issue on the second so had the chance to watch the sag wagon work on it for 35+ minutes). Started triathlons three years ago, after a couple years back running. Used to run collegiately. First season with EN, but because of life didn’t get to do much of the OS prior to the race.
Coeur d’Alene will be my first Ironman® and first triathlon. I’m another one of those crazy people who just decided one day to attempt the Ironman® six months before the race. After a 17-year hockey career, I spent the last 20 years working in front of a computer and in conference rooms. I figured it’s time to get back in shape and the Ironman® seemed like a worthy goal. EN has helped me drop 17 lbs, get the best ROI with limited training time, and learn how to properly execute an Ironman. I’m looking forward to race day to see how it all turns out. I’m 40, married, and run a technology management consulting firm in Gig Harbor, WA.
Started doing triathlon a little over 5 years as a way to get some exercise and hopefully lose weight and eventually it transitioned into a lifestyle. I’ve done 5 70.3’s over the years, but decided this was the year for Ironman. A couple of years ago, the thought of Ironman® never crossed my mind. But it was time to do Ironman® for no other reason than to prove to myself what I’m capable of accomplishing. My wife, Kristen, has been extremely supportive of this process and the alarm waking her up on most mornings. I couldn’t do any of this without her and I thank her for all that she does and she means to me. This has been a fantastic journey that is simply culminating with this one race. Regardless of what happens on race day, the process of preparing for this race has helped me explore and break through my own limitations. Getting older and maybe a little bit better.
My name is Roland Kent and I am an active duty Navy orthopaedic spine surgeon stationed at Navy Medical Center Portsmouth in Virginia. I am married with three children ages 14, 9, and 5. I have been racing triathlon since completing my first Olympic distance triathlon in 1991. This is my second Coeur d’Alene Ironman® and I am excited to be racing this year with my mother (who just joined the 65-69 age group and has aspirations for Kona), some good friends from Spokane, my fellow EN teammate/training czar, Dave Whiddon, and most importantly, my amazing wife, Marci. I am grateful for my patient and understanding family and I love them very much. Thanks for letting me compete.
My name is Jim Moss and I’m from Sandy, Utah. I am a father of 4 children and my wife Jenny is my #1 fan and supporter – none of this would be possible without her. Coeur d’Alene was my first IM and after doing IMMOO and St. George I thought I’d come back to Coeur d’Alene because it’s my favorite so far. I have been training and racing long course triathlon for 5 years. I started triathlon after having surgery on my left femur in 2002 to remove a bone tumor. The recovery was tough and my doctor suggested I mix up my rehab by swimming, biking and running. Coming from a running background I never thought I would love to ride a bike like I do now. I love the technical nature of the sport – bikes, computers, analysis, etc. My day job is working for a large software maker selling business applications. I’m grateful daily that I get to train for amazing events like Ironman. Coeur d’Alene this year is my first IM on EN training. I’m looking forward to trying out my new fitness! Good luck to all of the EN members racing Coeur d’Alene…see you out on the course!

Greg Vanichkachorn
Howdy folks! My name is Greg Vanichkachorn and I’m the representative from the beautiful state of Montana. I’ve been a member of EN since 2007, and thanks to the team’s help, I went from my first triathlon to finishing CDA with a little over a year of training. It’s even more exciting the second time around and I can’t wait to see everyone on the course. When I’m not busy riding my trainer for insane periods of time (six hours once this winter), I’m busy practicing occupational and wellness medicine in Kalispell. I also have the distinguished honor of being the lone Asian running Elvis from Montana. Who would have thought?! Best of luck everyone!
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