Here is the official Endurance Nation results update for the week ending on 6/5/2011 – plus a few additions from the previous week. We had a total of 19 athletes race in everything from a sprint to an Olympic distance tri…with more than a 50% rate of personal bests. Congrats to everyone — you can read the full details below.
If you’d like to join our age group members in training to be your best, please Become a Team Member or consider purchasing an Endurance Nation training plan here.
Races on May 31
CAP-Tex – Joe Hallatschek (photo at left) PR’d in this Olympic
distance race with a time of 2:35:55.
Races on June 3
Dam Bike Time Trial – Tim Niedecken rode this race for a finish time of 19:41.
Races on June 4
Coliseum Rock’n’Rollman – Joe Matchette (photo at right) raced this half-Ironman® for a new PR of 5:31:16.
Dam to Dam 20k – Dan Gilliatt finished this race in 1:22:17.
Rhoto Ironman® 70.3® Hawaii – Dana Pedersen crossed the finish line in 7:22 for a new PR!
Tri Shark – Brian Comiskey raced in this sprint tri for a finish time of 1:12:38, earning himself a new PR.
Races on June 5
Black Bear Triathlon – Michael Kmiec PRd in this Olympic tri with a finish time of 2:53:00!
Challenge Cairns, Great Barrier Reef – Scott Connolly raced this Ironman® distance tri for a time of 11:30.
Deer Creek Triathlon – Bradley Boomershine finished his Olympic distance tri with a PR-worthy time of 2:39:23.
Escape from Alcatraz – Mark Thoma finished this tri with a time of 2:53:17, a PR.
Mooseman 70.3® – Tim Cronk finished this tri in 5:32:17 and Joel crossed the line in 4:44:36.
Playtri Festival – Steve Dorris raced to a new Olympic distance PR of 2:30:56. You can read about the event here.
Racing for Recovery – Jason Zilles ran this half Ironman® in Monroe, MI for a new PR of 5:23.
Rev3 Quassy – This half Ironman® had a strong Team EN presence. Dottie Catlin finished in 7:19:13 and members can read her race report here. Carly Costanza crossed the finish line in 6:30. Scott Feder raced to a 5:26:38 finish and his race report is available to members here. Jim Daley set himself a new PR with a time of 6:06 and members can read about his experience here. Kim DuBord (photo at left) also set a new PR with a time of 4:09:38. Members can also read her race report here.
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